No point expecting and lessons learned through a lifetime.

By CrunchM
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“Fuck you, got mine” also applies to vaccines, apparently.

Did not know this, according to Wikipedia his family almost went broke paying for his treatment. Considering the age of this Congress I can’t help but wonder how many of them had friends that died or were permanently crippled from the disease.

Didn’t suffer enough apparently. I didn’t know turtles could even get polio.

America’s struggling iron lung manufacturers cannot regain profitability without the resurgence of crippling childhood diseases. Undermining the health and well-being of smaller, non-tax paying citizens is a sacrifice we should all be willing to make

*McConnell* isn’t going to get polio again, what does he care?

It’s almost poetic

Moscow Mitch is all talk and no walk.

I expect nothing less from that useless decrepit stupid old fuck

It really is too bad that he survived having polio

Is there a man more evil than Mitch McConnell in modern history? Seriously?

Oh, he’ll *TOTALLY* vote for RFK Jr. Republicans couldn’t give two wild fucks for anyone other than themselves. And they’re so terrified of that fat orange pustule that at the end of the day they’ll still lick his asshole & do whatever he wants. They’re liars, cowards, & hypocrites.

That’s because they know the truth and they got theirs. They just don’t want it for the working class.

I’m from Brazil and I remember when the truth about the Bolsonaro family got exposed. They got the covid vaccines as soon as possible, while spreading anti-vaxx fake news (just aping American far-right bullshit, really). Meanwhile they made a loyal mid-tier army officer into a servant inside the Ministry of Health, just so he could erase bolsonaro’s vaccine records and keep the “vaccines are evil” drivel.

And they do all this because the far-right ideals can only exist in the working class if there is an environment of fear, sickness, poverty, conservatism and religious ignorance. They need us weak, sick, poor and fearful.

Oh that’s delicious.

Thank you for the Mitch origin story


I feel owned already.

Of course he will. He must obey trump, musk and putin like a good little lap dog


This is ha ha’ing mcconnels bitch ass for being bout the stupidest m’fer alive. Oh wait that describes half of America now. Ha ha indeed

I’ll see myself out

At this point it’s not party over country. It’s just lack of spine.

I can’t wait for Mitch to firmly denounce RFK’s work a month after voting him in

Of course he will, he’s a fucking asshole.

As sure as the sun rising in the east

Mitch McConnell is senile, the only reason I know is because he recently said “The country is in great trouble”. Like yeah no 💩 YOU LITERALLY HELPED IT BECOME DANGEROUS FOR POLITICAL GAIN.

Get him and Nancy and every other Silent Gen out of the rooms for decision making that they won’t live long enough to see. We are done. ✊🏻

Senator McConnell is so devoid of empathy that he does not even have any for himself.

He got his. Fuck yours.

He may have suffered from polio as a child but he’s obviously still suffering from a terminal case of idiocy currently.

More like Polio suffered from Mitch McConnell

Can’t make this stuff up

Jesus christ, that’s how fucking old Bitch McConnell is…

Of course, he will. He has no scruples, nor does he give a shit about consequences. They’re all a bunch of hypocrites.

That’s how big of hypocrite he is. His legacy will be one of a fool. Right next to Giuliani, and the Pillow Guy.

You know he will!!!

Well it wouldn’t be fair to the people who had polio if other people don’t have to get polio. Polio for everyone!

“We don’t even care whether or not we care.” Said the old turtle.

TheRussianBadger once made a joke “I am Mitch McConnel feed me poor people.” And I’m still not sure which one he means:

> Feed me, poor people


> Feed me poor people.

Maybe polio will finish the job on Mitch finally 

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He’s okay. His insurance is single payer. No co-pay. No out of pocket payments required.

Remind me

He’s so fucking old he suffered from polio??

Mitch McConnell is 82 years old.

Just leaving that out there.

Nah, I am betting RFK Jr. is the Trump pick that they reject. Republicans are going vote for pro-choice Health Secretary that will mess with the agriculture industry.

Ummm Fuck nazis 🤔

Yes he will vote in favor, but before the vote and he will be totally against it when questioned.

Yeah. When kids start getting polio, diphtheria, tetanus and dying, they’ll a whole lot of sorry people. Evangelists — mumps can make one sterile. This will be interesting or 60 years. Women will die. Crazy

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