NO REFUNDS!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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So why again was it a big deal to keep flags at full staff then if you aren’t even going to be outside!?

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Imagine spending vacation days and spending thousands of dollars to go to the capitol and watch it from your hotel.

So all that money that was donated to his inauguration from Bezos and Zuckerberg and Tim Cook..etc..etc.. ended up being what, million dollar gratuities?

Womp womp. Get fucked, MAGA morons.

And the hits just keep on coming… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)

Will it even be televised? Or they going to do this in a dark room?

He must be near death, or fully senile if they are trying this hard to hide him away.

It makes me wonder if there’s any truth to the rumors that Trump has suffered a stroke that has left him debilitated (more so than usual) and he doesn’t want to let people know.

Pretty sure his supporters already know how to get in the capitol building.

He’s mortified of seeing tiny crowds. ๐Ÿคฃ

They’re afraid. Very afraid.

They realize they’re all going to gather there and someone will agitate, right?

What nefarious actions are planned to respond to that inevitability?

I don’t know man, this feels off. This man has unchecked power now. God fucking damnit.

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Is anyone else starting to suspect that as soon as he is sworn in he is going to declare a national emergency and martial law?

Please keep from watching it on tv or streaming. Nothing like small numbers to get under his orange skin

Getting what they voted for ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Youโ€™ve been conned republicans ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Maybe they’ll stream the inauguration on tik tok now that trump has miraculously saved the app-the day BEFORE he becomes president.

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How have they not yet gotten the message that this is a private party for the elite?

10s of people are going to miss out on this historic event. So very sad.

Presidential Inaugural Committee (Trump) “Hey MAGAts I don’t need you anymore you unwashed POS’s didn’t you hear me when I said I don’t like you nor do I even need your votes?”

What is it called when the does a heel turn? A high heel?


Hey maybe trumpies should storm the capital again.

The DEEP STATE trying to keep PATRIOTS from witnessing the Second Cumming of Christ!

Oh man all those people inside in one place together, inside a building,all togetherโ€ฆ

Why is President Musk hiding Trump away? Is President Musk ashamed of Trump?

1st Rule of Acquisition

Once you have their money, you never give it back.

Trump would never turn down a massive rally and parade for himself unless he was too unwell to handle it.

Weโ€™re never gonna see him in public for more than a few minutes

MAGA, he has your votes. He doesnโ€™t need you anymore! Go home and wait for the cheaper eggs that arenโ€™t coming. LOL!

๐Ÿ˜ฑ Trump is scared / maybe the military will turn on him too

Imagine selling your country to billionaires and thinking you’re the patriotic political party ๐Ÿ’€

If Biden did this there would be nonstop rumors about his age and how he’s afraid of getting / looking old/sick.

Last time around I had compassion and sympathy for all Americans, even the ones who voted for Trump, because they would all be hurt by him.

Now? My compassion and sympathy is reserved for those who voted against him. Everyone else? Suck it. Heโ€™s shown you who he is time after time. Itโ€™s on you now.

All the millions of dollars that all of those corporations gave to the inauguration fund sure arenโ€™t going to go straight into Trumpโ€™s pocket if he has to pay for goods and services.

So like, is it still going to be televised? Or is this all happening in the white house with absolutely no one watching? This keeps getting more and more sus.

As much as I try not to be all conspiracy theorist-like, there is part of me that wonders whether this was not a deliberate attempt to cut off some of the dudeโ€™s supply. He thrives on the attention of crowds and cancelling all of these public appearances cuts that off. The other part of me wants to know what the hell they are hiding.

Cutting costs to save as much cash as he can… later he launder it and skim it for himself personally.

Haha couldnโ€™t happen to better people!

So how sickly is Trump now?

I’m sure I know the answer but can anyone not from the US tell me how we are viewed with having elected Trump? Do people from other countries admire or like this man or is he just a joke to the world? I’m genuinely curious.

Iโ€™m starting to think the speculation of him having a stroke and not doing well are true the way heโ€™s trying to completely hide from everyone but the inner circle

go back to your cows and corn dumbfucks

He literally tells his voters โ€œI DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUโ€ every day in one way or the other.

Why was it from the committee and not the mall? Serious question. what is the point of this.

Hhahahahahahahajah! Hahahahahahahahah! Hahahahahahahaja!

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