[No spoilers] I literally have no words. ABSOLUTE CINEMA

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I don’t even know what to think

I will now need 5-7 business days to recover

I am unwell, what tf just happened

Damn, this last act is going to divide people…

How am I supposed to go back to normal life after this

what happened to jayce and viktor 😭

The animation in these fight scenes are going to be studied for years

I cried so fucking hard at the end of episode 7 when powder realized vi was alive out there, someway. Somehow.

This is going to sound weird to most of you, but Episode 7 is actually my favorite episode in Season 2. It showed…to use the words of Sting…[what could have been](https://youtu.be/liPu1_aPH5k?si=iFlahqCBzBBDNlmf). It’s a world without Hextech and a world where Vander and Silco had a conversation after Vander nearly killed Silco.


I was in actual awe after watching the last 3 episodes, I honestly am just floored.

This was such a wonderful journey. Arcane really has set the bar for what it means to enjoy a mesmerising experience. Can’t wait to see where we go next

Bro i’m actually like gonna need to talk to someone now, jinx’s death messed me up Bad bro, and my therapy session isn’t till next month


It was an honor being part of this community.

Ibh, I love Arcane but the ending was waaay to open ended.

I’ve got so many questions but shit made me cry more than i ever have in a long time man, what a ride

Jinx will always have a special place in my heart, and hey at least she went out how she wanted to go out, saving and loving her sister…we all know that’s all jinx wanted so in essence she did get her happy ending


Anyone else feel slightly disappointed after watching ep9?
Like it was good and all but I expected more from the finale…

I don’t care how many potholes or how rushed people says it is. It made me FEEL things. And that’s the point.

I just want to know why Vi didn’t even mention Jinx once in her final scene 😓. Same with what tf happened to Heimerdinger? Is he forever trapped in that other universe, or straight up dead?

I’m physically shaking… This was such an emotional Rollercoaster.

So I want to have your unbiased thoughts. Is it that good ?(I will be watching it later but I want to know?)

Idk man, they closed off everyone so quick. We didn’t get to spend time with any of the characters after the final battle.

“THE LAST EPISODE WILL BE VERY LONG” only 10 minutes lol, I called it.

Also, heimer solo was not something i was expecting or wanted, but was pretty sick nonetheless

For me, my man Singed was such a CHAD and got his goal

wtf we went from cyberpunk/steampunk like cities, to literally reality breaking, god viktor, parallel worlds and time travel??

Why the fuck did the fish popo get so much screen time bro

just what the fuck did I just watch

I loved everything about it except for it ending really. Such a fun show. Can’t wait for what they have next

I’m surprised no one’s mentioning those birds at the end of ep 9

Last episode made me feel a lot of stuff.

>!I doubt Powder died.!<

Beautiful, true.

But that story? It left **a lot** to be desired

For me 8/10, s1 was better.
Also I didn’t watch this with the eyes of someone that knows all the league lore, played the game for 7 years but never cared about the lore tbh.
From what I saw in a few posts, those people are really mad 🤣.
Of course I’m on board for the next story , noxus 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Im… Genuinely confused. I know Jinx survived, but i wanna know what happened to vander, ekko, singed, jayce and viktor. theres just somethin missing. theyre done with piltover and zauns story but idk. IM CONFUSED I LOVED IT THO SO MUCH I BAWLED WAY TOO HARD

I’m really curious about what they’re going to do next. I guess the most obvious thing would be Mel and the Black Rose. But who knows.

Im still confused how cait, vi and jinx escaped the battle at the end of episode 6, it was never explained

Some was beautiful and some was bad ,like that vi and cait sex scene wtf was that ,giving the circumstances this shouldn’t be happening at all

Idk man, I honestly liked the finale. I mean was it perfect ? no. Could it have been better with a smaller scope ? yes. But overall it was still a decent ending, just not amazing.

* by episode 7 I knew there was no way we were getting fully fledged out conclusions, so it would be implications instead. With that in mind

– Cait and Vi getting together in a relationship was everything I wanted
– Vi and Jinx improving their relationship was great
– Echo and Jinx improving their relationship was great
– Jinx deciding to be better and create a new chapter for herself was great
– The undercity having a counsel seat was great ,as it implies there is progress towards unity
– the ending implies jinx is still alive, and my guess is she was on the airship at the last second.
– looks like the story will soft transition into Mel and Noxia, which might mean that whatever they do next we might still get some interactions with the old cast (just not as the main focus. Like they could be what Mel was in Arcane, which was important but not protagonist level).

Overall these moments were not fleshed out, and it should have been but the season 2 was too ambitious for itself. But I wish people just talked about what happened in the general discussion instead of dozens of comments saying it was rushed.

I loved everything about the show. But. That ending. Im sorry but it was not it. It just felt so rushed

Incredible. I was so scared they wouldn’t make the landing but they exceeded all my expectations. I feel like I just watched a once in a lifetime show. It’s perfect.

No one even mourned Jayce. Neither Caitlyn (childhood friend) nor Mel (girlfriend). Wow.

It just felt like so many themes were just dropped to become Avengers Endgame. It looked amazing, but no this wasn’t “absolute cinema” at all.

I feel sad for Ekko.

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