No spoilers please

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Swear to god, I once saw someone on a movie sub getting mad about a post that didn’t include spoiler warnings for Psycho [1960]

What if they put in their own terrible twist thats not in all those other things

The musical is very different from the book which is different from the movie which is different from the book. This does not remotely apply.

The only time this applies is when there’s a rerun or rerelease on

I can appreciate being mindful of newcomers to a series and trying to be kind by mitigating spoilers, but I never understood the audacity of actually forcing people to be spoiler free for old ass media. Even when they get a remake like yeah sure I’ll put stuff up with spoiler tags, but you’re a brat if you’re trying to censure the long time fans whose support literally allowed the remake/adaptation to be put out in the first place. I don’t expect it of others. Neither should your ass.

And some ppl don’t know that so you should still be polite

Yeah okay fine, but some of us don’t even remember a world without Justin Bieber. We’re not all 100-fucking years old. Okay??!

(I mean I am definitely 100 years old, but I’m speaking up for the young ones rn…)

And a porn site that makes me finish in 24 seconds of 24 minutes of any given year in the Gregorian Calendar.

NGL, for a minute I thought the person tweeting was from Boston and was saying “wicked (adjective) spoilers” and not “Wicked (proper noun) spoilers.” I was also trying to figure out the intellectual property they were referring to…Peter Pan? Gone with the Wind?

Taking another example, anyone spoiling the big reveal in Empire Strikes Back for first time viewers (think kids able to see these films for the first time) is a massive douche.

You know people aren’t born with knowledge of all previously existing media, right?

Someone from a new generation can learn about Wicked and want to experience it for the first time.

I fucking hate this mindset that its okay to spoil things as long as they are old.

If you’re about to watch something for the first time or its becoming relevant, I don’t think its unfair to ask for no spoilers. Like the people who went to see Wicked as the musical are people who enjoy that sort of thing, people who aren’t probably aren’t going to go out of their way to go watch it. Another example is The Great Gatsby, its a book from 1925 but unless you were forced to read it in HS or something, you don’t know how it ends and wanting to see the 2013 movie without spoilers is a fair request.

My unpopular opinion is that if someone doesn’t want to get spoiled we shouldn’t do it

I’m currently reading the Bible, I hope this Jesus fella makes it, he seems pretty cool.

Sooo was it also that popular, they had to bring it back to life over and over again?

Fun fact from Wickedpedia

And with that said. I don’t have a damn clue what happens in Wicked other than knowing it’s related to The Wizard of Oz.

124!!? 😭 idk any of this, and is it weird to say that I’ve never seen wicked? Maybe like 1-2 times but I don’t think I’ve sat and genuinely watched it from start to finish. The new one looks interesting tho

This is what I knew about Wicked before recent publicity. 

It was a critically acclaimed novel based on The Wizard of Oz and it followed the life of the Wicked Witch of the West. I read that it was very sexual and included LGBT themes.  A popular musical was made of it and one of the songs, something about defying gravity, was sung by a formerly popular YouTuber as an annoying teenage girl character that I found kinda funny.

Without trying, I already know large amounts of the plot of the book and adaptations.  It’s not discouraging me from seeing it because I don’t mind spoilers and a great movie is entertaining even if you know all the twists, but I could see how some people might be annoyed.  If I was them, I would just try to avoid movie forums and discussions of the movie.

Same people who didn’t want Dune spoiled.

I’m guessing they mean if there’s any difference

Like yeah, but if someone hasn’t seen it it’s still a spoiler to them. I think its fine to talk about casually unless someone specifically asks you not to spoil it.

The wizard did it.

My asshole brother got mad that I “spoiled” the ending of Moby Dick.

He was in his 30s.

My only real answer to that was, “Rand al’Thor walks away into the sunset.”

I remember reading the original books ( the ones with the cool illustrations) when I was in 4th grade

When it comes to anything you are excited for you should just stay off the internet or be extremely careful when it comes in person well good luck

Spoilers for Wizard of Oz: Dorothy accidentally kills the wicked witch of the east, Dorothy gets the witch’s ruby red slippers, the wicked witch of the west swears to get revenge for her sister and take back her magic shoes, Dorothy kills the wicked witch of the west.

Does this spoil the Wicked movie?

Titanic came out when I was in middle school. Someone in our class said it was really sad when the boat sank. Another student said, “Hey! Spoiler!”

for all the uptight asses posting in the comments, know that there are people who recorded the final minutes of the movie with their phones and posted it online, on twitter

I’ve read about this and you can find this “odd behavior” online right now

still kind of blech. like the fact it is so old means people might not have seen it/heard of it.

Yeah and if someone has made it this long without spoilers we cna give them a few more days lol

I can promise you that one scene from the book isn’t in the musical.

That scene.

The commercials literally show the final scenes in act one with “Defying Gravity” playing and the Witch escaping the Wizard by flying away on a broom.

What more spoilers can you have for part one?

Nessa dies!

And i haven’t seen the movie or the musical or the book or the movie or the book.

So don’t spoil it. I feel like this is pretty damn simple.

But, now hear me out here, what about young people, who’ve yet to see anything? Do we just damn them to spoilers of things they’ve not seen yet?

Like, we are not the only generation of humans who like to watch things for the first time.

Is it really that difficult to just spoil tag something if you’re talking about it? Like, a couple extra sentences to just ensure people can enjoy something with new eyes as you did before can’t be that bad right?

I don’t care who dies as long as the dog lives.

So every 12-year-old has read *every* book written in the last 124 years?

Witch please…

So you’re saying it’s…….. popular?

A friend got mad when I mentioned Spartacus and his army were crucified because he hadn’t finished the TV show yet. I think 2,000 years was enough time for a spoiler warning.

I remember when Titanic came out in theaters and people were mad because the radio DJs were talking about how the ship sinks. People were mad about spoilers lol

To say that it’s “based on” the 85 year old movie and original book isn’t really accurate. It’s a prequel to that movie/story, so the spoilers only go back as far as the 29 year old book.

Why bother making anything a movie. Let’s all just read manga’s, books, and comic books. Just delete the LOTR trilogy at this point.

I hope this is true.

And yet this is still a 2024 movie. Please do not spoil it. I mean, not to me I person don’t care if I get spoiled but people who like it don’t want spoilers.

Cool, but the movie released 2 days ago, so don’t post spoilers.

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