No to the con man

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US healthcare is trash. Sincerely, a US citizen.

You have to love how Republicans always say things like “ask a Canadian how bad their healthcare system is” and when you ask a Canadian, they say they love their healthcare system and would never want America’s healthcare system

There is OVERWHELMING evidence that universal healthcare works better than the American non-system. Trump is a delusional liar.

Trump’s modus operandi is beautiful in it’s simplicity,
• Lie
• Never comment on allegations.
• Shout that others are lying.
• Shout harder and more and divert the subject.
• Lie again to make people forgot the first lie
• Repeat


3 months in a private NICU room and a life saving surgery at 6 weeks by the head surgeon in the country’s top children’s hospital. Would have cost $2mil in the States. Our only out of pocket cost was Ronald McDonald House. No thanks Trump.

Same for Norway, and anyone else with free healthcare. We don’t want to go 50 years backwards.

Do people really think that Canada which has universal healthcare will even consider joining US where the healthcare system is so fked up that Americans celebrated the murder of an insurance company CEO?

trump thinks he’s going to get those countries he wants – he won’t.

Excuse our demented conman felon president world. He was voted in by the worst people on earth. He is an idiot.

He can’t even enter Canada because of his felony convictions. He needs to STFU about this and Greenland.

It is sad pretty much anyone else outside of the U.S. knows better what the real situation is and compared to people who voted for Trump.

Meanwhile, your regular MAGA folk wants to get rid of Obamacare but keep ACA. Ask any Canadian, they can tell you they are one and the same. This is shameful to a point I can no longer comprehend.

Best healthcare system my ass. Our Healthcare system will do nothing but bankrupt you/put you in debt and make you wish thr illness or injury had killed you

Americans are exploited at every level- by employers, insurance, health care, etc. Call it what it is. It is exploitation to keep people working to live/ indentured to work. This country is terrible and the people at the top make the laws and are above the laws.

Canadians are way to well educated to think there is anything good to come from having a conman,felon sexual assaulter-running their government.After voting for him to
be surprised when he continues to lie and cheat and enrich himself and other billionaires.

Out of curiosity I looked up the cost of the back surgery I needed last year…a minimum of $190,000. Yes I waited months longer than I probably should have, yes it was a hassle to find a surgeon who would take me, but at least it didn’t put me into medical debt for the rest of my life. Canada’s system isn’t perfect but it’s a hell of a lot better than south of the border.

To Americans, trump is outright lying in this statement. Again. Signed, a Canadian.

Make assholes gone again

Because trump has a concept for a plan which he will release in two weeks.

Thank god there are people around the world not buying his snake oil (classic conman stuff). I really thought I was going fucking crazy for a second. Bernie Primary, Hillary generals 2016. Biden. Kamala.

I’m posting this shit from now on. Gotta defend myself.

I have a brain issue myself, a malformed blood vessel, and I can’t have it operated on.. it can bleed, causing seizures which can cause black outs, and caused a hemorrhagic stroke which almost killed me, and will probably not be able to ever return to work.

I have primary care and doctors currently working on getting me on disability pension, income support and some other government services due to this, and I’m going to be okay.. took a bit to accept I couldn’t go back to work, but I’m ok with it now after family convinced me it’s for the best.

I’ll be bringing in around $200 less per month than I made, so that’s just fine..

If I was in the states I’d probably already be bankrupt and on the street…

So yeah, I don’t want American health care.

I would like to hear the opinions of type one diabetics on American healthcare. People in the states literally DIE because they can’t afford insulin. All my diabetic supplies are paid for by various programs and cost me nothing.

Well he didn’t say cheaper, he said better. But also it won’t be better.

I’m a Type 1 Diabetic in Ireland, if I lived in the USA, not only would I be dead, but my family would also be homeless.

“Much better health coverage”, if you mention US nobody thinks “man they have amazing healthcare, they’re so lucky” they think “wow poor people can’t afford to see a doctor or get the care they need”. Having amazing health care options is meaningless when nobody can afford it.

500k plus live long debt to insurance companies till you die.

America is a corporation
We think we’re free but we’re not

Deluded old clown rich guy: *Whats the problem??*

America should listen to their recently elected ‘President’ ..they’ve got 3 yrs and 360 days left on his current reign of terror (and deservedly so). The world must call out his bullshit, throw presidential decorum out the window and correct his incessant lies in real time. I truly hope that felon never sets foot on Canadian soil again.

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