no way lmao

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Oh yeah. I’m on that side of TikTok and the Brits were crashing out. They said shit like “he’s not eating it right he has to eat it in this order!” or “he’s American he’s not used to tasting food the way it naturally is” or “he’s not used to having no chemicals (they always used the word chemicals to refer to spices for some odd reason)” or, my favorite, “he only tried it because he wanted to embarrass us”. 

Meanwhile every video I’ve seen of a Brit trying any type of American food make them look like they’re going through a religious experience 

Edit: I’m not replying anymore but the Brits are mad lmao

Beans… cheese…. I can get behind that. Seems to go well with a baked potato. Cowboy food.

With TUNA???? An affront against God

UK : Literally owns India, China

Also UK : Best we can do is… whatever that’s supposed to be

I am both British and a ‘Jacket’ potato coinerseur, I can whole-heartedly say the tuna has no place near this and whoever made this should be strung up. 

It’s not the tastiest meal in the first place, and the point is to get the cheese all melty and have the potato to be able to chew on something. Canned fish should be elsewhere.

Still eating like they need to turn off all the lights at night and all they can get is canned food.

Ex-pat here. My fav part about ‘British food sucks’ is how quickly they go ‘Oy, ain’t enuff cheese and grease for yus, innit yank?!’

Bro it’s not America hating on your cuisine. It’s the whole entire world. South Americans think their shit is bland. Africans clown how proud they are of their pies featuring this beef or that chicken… only for every pie to taste the same!

I got a dutch friend. DUTCH, YALL. Talks big shit on British food.

God damn I miss home…

And man.. FUCK fish n chips. Gollllly… Put some seasoning on that shit man. Jesus.

The duality of British on TikTok:

Half the videos are crashing out and talking about how Americans “don’t actually like food” because we don’t do… whatever the fuck that is.

The other half are people coming to America, having simple BBQ, and acting like they’ve seen the face of god.

It’s really fucking funny. Also, for the record, the only good food I’ve ever had in England came from Indian and West Indies restaurants. Which was some of the best of either I’ve ever had.

Canned fish on canned beans. Right.

Gotta be honest, as a Brit who emigrated to the US and lived there for 15 years, and recently moved back to the UK to take care of some family stuff for a year … what the *fuck* are these people eating. Never had such bland or unseasoned food. These people murdered half the god damn world to steal and sell their spices and they still eat like the German warplanes are flying overhead.

Yesterday I was so sick of shepherds pie and bland fucking sausages that I went out to a locally owned Mexican spot that had rave reviews. It was the most Caucasian shit I’ve ever eaten in my entire life and I look like ginger Snow White. The waitress warned me that a dish I was ordering was spicy, and I was like “thank god.” It tasted like it was made in the same room where jalapeños were dropped off for delivery a week ago.

I can only speak for London as a frequent tourist. Food in London is HITTIN on 12 cylinders, you hear me?

– don’t sleep on a full English breakfast: Slappington
– go to a well reviewed pub. Burgers usually slap
– food at Borough Market is amazing. You can find stuff from all over the world but it gets busy
– Gordon Ramsey mid-tier restaurants like Bread Street Kitchen is really good. Get the beef Wellington
– Fallow is one of the best restaurants I’ve ever been to in my entire life and I’ll die on that hill


As a Black Brit, please be specific and mention this is English food. Because other British ethnicities were catching strays 🤣🤣🤣🤣

We don’t eat that nonsense. There are plenty of great restaurants in the UK, especially larger cities such as London.


He went easy on them! He posted a story about how he didn’t like it and wasn’t going to do a full review. Bitches got off easy without him going into detail about how tuna casserole on a potato isn’t good and they still complained 🥔

I’m English and hear me out, it’s my favorite combination 😂

But yes, everyone thinks its a gross combo, unless they eat it too, tuna isn’t super popular topping in general lol

I’m a British person, and Keith Lee is absolutely unequivocally correct… Tuna, Beans, Cheese Jacket Potato is fucking gash.

I’m a black British guy from London. I’ll be honest, what makes “British food” good isn’t the traditional English meals like fish and chips, a jacket potato or a full English breakfast, but the vast array of multicultural food spots that exist because of the diversity. What Keith Lee is eating is “english food” for white people native to England, not British food for all people who live in Britain

Most black British people aren’t going out of their way to eat “bangers and mash” or “beans on toast”. I have never eaten beans on toast and I never will, I does not sound appealing.

But I can go all over London and there will be a plethora of good south East Asian, south Asian, Caribbean, African and European cuisine that will all taste fucking good.

I can’t speak for all of us, that disgrace of a jacket potato is something I’m not touching with a 20 foot pole , so honestly, neither should he

I typically get hate for defending British food, but combining baked beans and tuna is some exceedingly heinous shit.

The UK has nearly the same percentage of obese people as the US with absolutely trash food, which means they get fat for the love of the game over there


Typical England L

The tuna alone is already sus, but putting it on top of whatever has to be illegal!

I was here for it until the tuna.. what the fuck

Beans + cheese = yes

Cheese + Tuna = yes

Beans + Tuna + Cheese = Pure narstiness

Looks like cat throw up on top of people throw up

I’m Nigerian american British in that order. I was born in the UK but barely lived there. Was sent to boarding school in Nigeria at a very young age and I’ve spent the majority of my life in the US, so please hear me out. A majority of what is considered British food is trash, just straight up bland AF. Hence, the reason why the British national dish is the Tikka masala in addition to other Indian curry’s. I will however say that the Heinz baked beans in the fluorescent green can and the Heinz salad dressing in a coca-cola type bottle with the light green label are the shit. I know my fellow Nigerians will back me up on this (I hope). Haha



Fucking Spud Bros, they have a lot of toppings but you know it’s legit just dogshit. No time goes into any of it. Anyone with a bit of cash can start a food business it’s annoying without knowing shit.

So glad them folks dumped that tea in the harbor

This is weird AF. I live in the UK and I don’t know anyone that would combo beans with tuna

Beans and cheese, yes

Tuna and cheese, yes

This unholy concoction? No sir

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