No We Do Not Fox News

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I just looked this guy up in the law society website and he’s been sanctioned for offences that included threatening murder charges to gain benefit for a client against someone so I’d not put too much stock in what he has to say

The thumb with the hat does not express our opinion accurately.

But didn’t Navarro say Mexican cartels are in control of Canada?

It doesn’t say “a majority of Alberta residents”. I’m sure they could find two.

The people going on Fox News talking about this have businesses and/or employers. It would be a shame if these sentiments were revealed in either situation.


I literally said it yesterday. Whether we win or lose, he’s grifting himself into something bigger.

Edit: he looks like one of Steve Oedekerk’s Thumb puppets in human form

Can we sign a petition for this guy to move to the States if he wants to become an American so badly

If you know anyone who thinks we should join the USA ask them how they feel about the equalization formula. Then remind them that if we join the USA Alberta would likely no longer own its own natural resources and instead Washington DC would. They would take every penny.


I mean, a few morons, maybe.

Majority? Lol no.

American propaganda. The US is becoming more like Russia and North Korea all the time. What the hell happened to them?

Someone needs a good old fashioned shunning

As a lawyer I’m sure he’s familiar with section 59 of the criminal code. Sedition

What fucking planet are you from?

Jeffery Rath might just be the dumbest lawyer in all of Alberta with a 403 number.

No, no we don’t, a few of our villages are looking for their feral idiots and they should have them back in a few weeks

Well, those Alberta residents supporting this can go ahead and start driving south, cross the border, and stay there. No one’s forcing them to stay here.

Fuck that

They lie lie lie and the Trump Swallowers eat it up

There are way more traitors in Alberta than I think a lot of us are willing to admit. The province voted in a premier who had recently written a paper on how to privatize healthcare and had publicly stated that her blueprint for freedom was to follow in the footsteps of Ron DeSantis. 

As an Alberta I have to sadly admit that there are a sizeable amount of traitors in our midst. 

I used to love my province and now I am so ashamed to be an Albertan. I hope Nenshi is able to save us from the USA-like hell scape that Smith and her TBA puppet masters are working so hard towards.

Damn, it feels like everything is so crazy fucked right now…

We fucking do not

So now we are fighting the orange man and the Grape man together. Who the F is this walking heartattack?

Fox News is pretty much “state run media” now that djt is at the helm. It’s akin to tuning in to North Korean TV to get “the news of the world” – in short, laughable and completely biased.

Only a few, and that fuckstain lawyer want that, and, likely Marlaina.

Only this kind of people would want to join the states

Rath and Company is rated 3.3 stars on google.. there’s a reason for that.

What a crock of shit! Fox News is total misinformation and propaganda. If Fox says it, don’t believe it.


He should support losing some weight and getting his blood pressure under control instead.

Guarantee these are the same smooth brains that were “freedom loving patriots “ convoying down to Ottawa to shit in the foyers of apartment buildings while screaming about their rights a few years ago.

Buddy only needs $5M to get a green card – pay up or shut up with this nonsense. If he doesn’t have the money Trump isn’t interested. What a fool!

These Albertans are Americans who are too lazy to move across the border.

Hoollllyyy fuccckk. What world are we living in? I feel like I’m a dystopian world right now. Traitors should be publicly shamed


Why are they always cosplay macho chuds and fat little piglets?

You can call up Jeffrey Rath’s phone line with a quick google search and tell him how you feel about becoming a state.

Edit: spelling

This is infuriating garbage 🤬

Ban Faux News in Canada. It is a matter of national security.

Not surprising that when you look up Jeffrey Rath, this lawyer, you get a couple hits for law society of Alberta sanctions

I know a couple people here in Ontario that support Trump and, I’m guessing, probably dig the idea of Canada becoming the 51st state. It’s not just Alberta, the crazies are everywhere.

Not sure how exactly Fox was able to find a ten gallon tomato in a five gallon hat but generally anyone who looks like he gets his air from the tyre pump at the local gas station probably can’t be trusted with factual evidence.

I think we should have a referendum. Annnnd anyone who votes “yes we should be the 51st state” should be sent to the states .

Members of the public who feel a lawyer is bringing the profession into disrepute or is not living up to the professional standards expected by the society may file a complaint.

#”… but are clearly too stupid to just… *move* there.”

He looks like the exact person who’d have that opinion

Per an Alberta lawyer that I’m close with: “To call Jeff a total fucking idiot would be an understatement”

No! Fucking! Thank! You!
The day Alberta joins the US is the day I leave Alberta and never return.

Wow, they’re pushing a bullshit narrative to get American buy-in.

Remember how Russia invaded Crimea to free all those poor oppressed Russians there.

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