no wonder I couldn’t smell today

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Fuck off give it back

Give it back! 😡😡

Guys, where’s my nose?

It was here last night. YES I checked under the table. YES I retraced my steps. I LITERALLY CAN’T FIND IT ANYWHERE!

Nothing to do with him having your nose, you couldn’t smell today because you’ve got Covid.

Merry Christmas!

Guys i cant breathe this is not a joke im gonna pass out im writing this and i feel the oxygen in my lungs slowly deplete im gonna

Not my A1 suga boga Colombian snow sniffer! I need that!

Oh, noooooooo! 😄😄😄

Kime nah çekiyon olum sen orrrrrrrospu çocu

Absolute legend, this one takes the cake

Finally I can breathe without my always stuffed nose. THANK YOU!

He really said “Got your nose” and took it personally

look out, he’s got a nose!

So that’s why I smell terribly.

Merry Shitpost!

But what are the other two?? I demand answers!

No wonder my nose feels blocked :[

is that the guy that signed the email with a picture of his face

Dollar General Elijah Woods looking dude

Can I have my nose back? Pwetty pweease 🥲

Damn it, I can’t comment without my nose 😭

Damn, I got nervous and had to check

Very interesting hand symbol. Mano in fica. Fredrick Barbarossa would be proud.

Hah! That’s not my nose…🤤

You know what? Fuck you. Have an upvote!

Give me your cock and then I will let you take my nose.

Oh Nose. wait a minute…

I’m telling a trusted adult on you 😡😡

That’s mine give it back. You’ve made a powerful enemy!



Give it back, jerk.

Thanks man saved me from having to smell my girlfriend’s cinnamon Christmas candles all day merry Christmas

I know for a fact that’s not my nose. Mine was taken by my grandpa in ’97 and he never gave it back.

stealing this

What about 3 and 4 Christmas?

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