Shouldn’t be surprised though, historically we’ve solved most of our problems with gun violence. It’s kinda what we do.
2 months ago

2 months ago
American problems require American solutions
2 months ago
– Solved nothing. Guy should have tried to become part of the system, change it, etc. Like how that politician worked hard and managed to cap the price of insulin. Now that is an impact, now that’s something.
Not defending the CEO but come on. What did he achieve, really? Killed a guy. Wow, amazing. Did he worked hard to change anything? No, he partied all over the world. I feel sorry for his mother but no empathy for the guy.
– There is nothing to solve when you have free healthcare. Literally free.
2 months ago
Made me double back during healthcare open season, ditch the cheaper UHC plan and instead suck it up on the outrageous 18% increase BCBS is asking for.
2 months ago
How exactly is it „solved“?
2 months ago
that solved nothing… just some unhinged idiot shot a guy…
you want to solve healthcare kill the monolith like monopoly awarded to a small handful of insurance providers. competition breeds inovation quality and keeps prices more reasonable.
2 months ago
Why would they be confused? They solved their healthcare insurance, with the exception of the UK that is reverting to the American system, in a no nonsense way, by legislation and public support. Killing a CEO, as comforting as it may feel, didn’t solve anything. Polls show that 81% of Americans still support private health insurance. TLDR: A senseless meme, if it even can be considered so.
Shouldn’t be surprised though, historically we’ve solved most of our problems with gun violence. It’s kinda what we do.

American problems require American solutions
– Solved nothing. Guy should have tried to become part of the system, change it, etc. Like how that politician worked hard and managed to cap the price of insulin. Now that is an impact, now that’s something.
Not defending the CEO but come on. What did he achieve, really? Killed a guy. Wow, amazing. Did he worked hard to change anything? No, he partied all over the world. I feel sorry for his mother but no empathy for the guy.
– There is nothing to solve when you have free healthcare. Literally free.
Made me double back during healthcare open season, ditch the cheaper UHC plan and instead suck it up on the outrageous 18% increase BCBS is asking for.
How exactly is it „solved“?
that solved nothing… just some unhinged idiot shot a guy…
you want to solve healthcare kill the monolith like monopoly awarded to a small handful of insurance providers. competition breeds inovation quality and keeps prices more reasonable.
Why would they be confused? They solved their healthcare insurance, with the exception of the UK that is reverting to the American system, in a no nonsense way, by legislation and public support. Killing a CEO, as comforting as it may feel, didn’t solve anything. Polls show that 81% of Americans still support private health insurance. TLDR: A senseless meme, if it even can be considered so.
We have terrorism