Nobody stormed the Capitol

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She just makes shit up all the time. Nice to see her arm healed from that handshake

I bet the families of those 4 feel like it’s a *littlebit* unfair to say it was peaceful..

“Mandate,” it was a slim majority. You can’t use that slim majority as a defense to be a bigot. That would be lying.

But then again, republicans don’t really care if they lie. They’ll just be hypocritical bigots.

Conservatives have made a mockery of the United States.

They have, and they continue to do so.

If in 2028 Democrats nominated and elected a literal circus clown with diagnosed schizophrenia it would be a lateral move from anything the Conservatives have said or done for the last 20 to 30 years.

The right wants to be the victim of the things that they do to people so badly it’s bizarre.

When someone who self identifies as ‘Crazy’ hits you with a concise, composed and rock solid fact check it’s time to fuuuuuuuuuck right off. This chick sucks

They grow them extra stupid in maga land.

Fuck her and the president she enables.

Why will no one, and I mean no one, ask Republican Congress members and Senators, where the fuck they were when the thugs were running around inside the building?!!! They were not at there desk, and we’ve seen pics of Hawley skipping out back, McConnell hiding with Pelosi, and McConnell was scared to death. There were a few Republicans and Democrats barring the door.
Please ask these denying-assed Republicans that question?!!!

Great, another moron that’s an elected official.

Republicans live and thrive off of propaganda

Attention whore??

Performative BS

Flat earth level delusional

1) No one is going to convince Nancy Mace of anything. She is an idiot with a personality disorder.
2) Far right people don’t give a crap what we think about them. I’m sure Mace didn’t even read this comment to her post.

We need to find other ways to get under their skin.

I think they’re actually kinda disappointed that liberals didn’t try the same things they try when they lose (ie, riot and insurrection). On some level maybe they recognize they’re shitheels and are upset that other people aren’t as well.

Say the line Bart!

>every accusation is a confession

They’re running out of people to blame.

She’s a fucking twat

they’re trying to erase history. bunch of fucking demons.

The whole right wing mindset is just “The Left is gonna try to do [horrible thing] because *we* would do it to them, and they’re obviously *so much worse* than we are!”

When will you all realize this is just sounclip farming and that is what trump has been doing since 2016z

Is this the lady that claims she was raped (but no one believes her because she lies about everything?)

When her name first got thrown around, I thought she was supposed to be a somewhat sane middle ground candidate. But she’s just another right-wing bitch.

She is just trying to rile up the rubes and also “own the libs”. If she does that then Trump will send her a cookie.

The GOP is getting real good at the “play the victim while pushing fascism” game

I don’t understand why it’s so hard to grasp that “the Democrats!!!111one” are going to be on the receiving end of the blame stick *in perpetuity.* 

It quite literally could not matter less if the entire party, all of its members, and anybody that has ever voted for or associated with them disappeared over night. **There is no reality in which the GOP is not the victim, underdog, freedom fighter or “truest patriot”.**

Unfortunately we are about to find out a one party system is just about the only thing worse than the two party system we’ve just thrown out.

But once again If you look at Trump’s post after this J 6, he won’t stop crying. Never seen a grown man cry so much. What a POS. FDJT.

These people are like my ex wife, making up shit just to have something to bitch about.

If a republican doesn’t lie, a republican has nothing to say

Mace is a nut like MTG

She’s the brunette MTG.

The world is too dumb-downed by right wing propaganda

Revisionist clown that she is.

It’s a staged response to wash away their sins. If there’s a “riot at the capitol,” every time, nobody will care about the first one that was real.

The only people standing in the way of a trump inauguration, surprisingly, are the republicans who are pissed that they were stabbed in their front by their messiah lol.

Biggest Karen of all time

She and Boebert are two of the best fundraisers the Democrats have. Batshit comes out of her mouth and is instantly attached to an email and blasted across the liberal spectrum.

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