Noem: “That’s what I’m sayin.”

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She’s dumber than a bag of hammers.

The lights are on, but no one’s home.

She’s right though. We can’t trust this government.

How is this real life?

When the self-awareness hits zero but the irony hits 100. 🎯

Why does her face look swollen?

Why do all the republican women change up their looks to look like a blow-up doll? Is that Donnie’s preference? She was a much more attractive asshat before the MAGA makeover.

She’s not even aware what kind of data Elon has access to. It must suck for DHS Secretary to be undermined this way.

No dogs were harmed during the making of this interview.

It like she hasn’t been given the updated script. She still on campaign lies…

Why did her plastic surgeon make her look like a Bratz Doll?

You ARE the Brute Squad

Noem doesn’t exhibit any signs of intelligence.

Bratz Doll

Jesus the plastic surgery and makeup never ceases to get more and more over the top and absurd. 

She is as dumb as she looks 

She looks like a pockmarked blow up doll from Ollies.

Damn, she’s gotten a lot of work done since her puppy killing story broke.

I can’t stand her stupid vapid expression.

Why does she look like a blow up sex doll?

Only the brightest 🤣

This hideous harpy with hideous ideas and an insidious amount of power. Corruption to the core.

I remember when Kristi Noem looked normal and not some cross eyed demon barbie

Quite the self own there

Fucking dog killer

She always looks so surprised when people say stuff to her like nobody is paying attention to how utterly stupid she is.

She is such a moronic twatwaddle! She is an embarrassment to the country and especially Women!

Gregg Graffin, any additional comments?

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