Nominating DLC for GotY is kinda weird TbH

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If you think this is weird just wait for the newest release of Skyrim

best dlc award

Same with remakes and remasters but here we are.

Concord should have won

It could be far worse, they could have put Dragonage Veilguard up there

Part of me thinks it makes sense, given from what I’ve heard that thing sounds like a whole separate game in and of itself, but at the same time, the same game winning the same award again doesn’t sit right. And by saying that I’m essentially admiting the DLC isn’t different enough to be it’s own game, so idk

I also haven’t played it at all so maybe I shouldn’t be talking

Elden ring winning goty twice would be hilarious, though.

Itโ€™s a dlc better than most full games

it eased the wait for elder scrolls six

i absolutely adore sote but yeah i dont think it’s nominatation makes sesne

You know what even more weird? Nominating a game from 97 that’s not even a full game

And the DLC is not as good as the base game even.

Not really considering for being a โ€œDLCโ€ itโ€™s longer than all of the other games.

If you don’t want your game to get snubbed by DLC, then make your game better than DLC.

My man. This shows you have not played it. It is massive and so well made. Well deserved. If it was like 2-3 hours sure i could give that to you.

i mean considering its one of the best games this year i think it deserves it if people are mad better games should have been made

No one bats an eye when resident evil 4 was nominated in 2023, or FF VII Remake in 2020

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