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But how does NASA know that unless they already tried…

When there’s a will there’s a way

No with that attitude.


I’m 100% sure I could prove them wrong if you bring me any alien you can imagine.


Any hole is a goal

But, Mass Effect…


you need to be pansexual to fuck an alien anyway

r/memes: Fuck the Xenos!!!

r/Stellaris: Fuck the Xenos!!!

Please don’t forget to do the [Harkness Test]( before doing the deed.

Sounds like NASAโ€™s just bitter no alien swiped right on them.


We’ll keep trying, who knows?

“May” and “chance” โ‰  can’t

Prove it. And Iโ€™ll need to see it with my own eyes to confirm

Challenge accepted.

Whoโ€™s going to stop me

But that could just mean they physically donโ€™t look attractive

not with that attitude NASA

not with that attitude

Thereโ€™s many times in human history โ€œunfuckableโ€ things have been. Iโ€™m sure as a collective effort humanity can develop a strategy to overcome this challenge.

Pssh everything’s fuckable ๐Ÿ˜‚

Nah, much like anything can be a dildo if youโ€™ve got a good imagination, anything is fuckable as long as youโ€™re adventurous enough.


***MAY*** not

Grandpa Max Tennyson disagrees

If you believe in yourself, everything is fuckable.


Nice try those nazi nasa nerds just want all that alien tang for themselves.

They tryna stop us

Me, wanting a female tetramand gf: Yeah, ‘MAY’ as in as far as YOU know.

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