North Pole High School

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It was never about protecting girls. It was always about hating trans people.

This is no surprise.

So a group of boys, not one but an ENTIRE GROUP OF BOYS,

Entered the one place in school they weren’t supposed to enter, the girls’ bathroom

And blocked the fucking door….WHILE a girl was inside??

How tf are those “boys” justifying this scenario??

Because even if I say they weren’t actually gonna sexually assault someone, which is purely a generous assumption on my part, do they even realise that how much the girl(s) might have been scared/intimidated??

A single unfit guy can EASILY overpower a girl, if a group of them randomly surrounded her in a girls’ bathroom, then she’s justified even if she has to kill or cripple them all. Do they not have anyone at home teaching them common sense??

– Boys will be boys!

– Oh lucky you, they must *like* you. Aren’t you flattered?

– What did you say for them to think you were inviting them?

– None of this wouldn’t happen if you’d learn to behave yourself better!

– You’re supposed to be a lady! You do not hit a boy, not ever, not for any reason!

Show of hands for everyone who’s heard aaaaaall of those (and more) at least once in their lives. 🙋🏽‍♀️

Yeah, it’s in Fairbanks, Alaska. And fuck Tammy Wilson.

Because that is the goal of all this useless nonesense: go back to an environment where boys can harass girls without any worry in the world. They want the time back where they could punish women and girls for opposing them no matter the context.

I think she should kick the asses of the board of the school and whoever made the decision to have an issue with her. The sooner, the better. Better yet, the names of everybody involved need to be publically available.

Huh the whole “Your body, my choice” thing started earlier than I expected.

Absolutly disgusting behaviour by the boys and that Rep “defending the boys”. Would have loved to hear her opinion on that if it were HER DAUGHTER in the same kind of situation. Oh who am I kidding, she would’ve scolded her daughter too and probably asked her to apologize to the boys for potentially trapping and maybe raping her in that bathroom stall. FUCK I hate this world we life in. (This is not me saying I wanna end myself, so dont you dare sending reddit-care after my arse.)

It’s always the victims that get punished the most in schools, I swear. I remember in elementary school there was this prick who made it his life’s goal to ruin mine and he would pick on me and push me around literally every god damn day and I told the school and they did nothing. Then of course one day I decided to defend myself, got my ass kicked in the process, and ended up being suspended and nearly expelled while the instigator got a slap on the wrist and I was made to apologize to him. Like, what the fuck?!

context: this was apparently in 2019, the boys were disciplined as well, only one boy made it inside the door – but the rest only stopped because the first one got kicked so hard in the nuts he was sent to hospital for observation.

comment: I don’t care if he was stabbed repeatedly upon entering – they were a gang, intent on intimidation and threatening violence, she did the right thing and I hope she’s celebrated as a local hero.

In middle school, I (female) was given two days of in-school suspension for punching a boy who had been repeatedly physically harassing me. (The teachers knew, they just didn’t care until I lashed out.) The female teacher supervising my ISS told me I wasn’t going to get a boyfriend doing that.

‘North Pole High School’ sounds like a terrible, one-season Disney show from the early 90’s

I’m so exhausted by the double standards, hypocrisy, and disingenuous arguments.

Man, its like they didn’t actually give a fuck and only wanted to “score points” in a culture war?

wtf is going on in this country. It’s self imploding.

I hope she kicked his pole all the way north

Schools refuse to punish bullies, but will stomp on anyone who dares to fight back.

so first off, barring further details, you all know damn well that 90% of the time, regardless of a bullying situation, the bullied is the one getting in trouble for fighting back, despite constant harass and suffering on their part until they finally snap and wail on their bully.

I would give my daughter gifts and encouragement. She did well. ❤️

It was never about bathrooms or protection, it was always about denigrating people for being different, making them feel unacceptable in society, and enshrining as law the ignorance of hateful people.

If they blocked the only exit intentionally – they need to be tried as adults for kidnapping.

Story is from 2019

If she would have shot them then the Republicans would be too confused to do anything about it

Thoughts and prayers

North Pole? What the fuck?

Welcome to Musk’s America where this shit is acceptable.

It’s Not the about the girls, it’s about the opression

Opression for the Sake of opression

She was outnumbered 7:1, she could have used lethal force in those circumstances and still been justified. I’m not saying that she should have, but she would have been within her rights to do so.

It was never about protecting women and girls, it was about keeping down people they think are icky.

almost like it was never about kids

So were at least one of the boys:

– son of a cop

– son of a rich guy

– son of a politician

– star athlete

It’s not about hating trans people either because they are such a small percentage of the population it’s really a non issue it’s about distractions. If you keep the general population hating each other then they have no time to come together to rise up

it took me way too long to figure out this didn’t happen at the north pole

Ok. I’m a little slow, it’s early morning, but this is satire, right? It’s just that the representative is from the North Pole.

So is this a piece of satire?

Not like I wouldn’t support the girl in this story, just wondering if I’m the only one questioning if I’m supposed to believe it or not and everyone else is already up to speed.

For the slow people in the back, which is me included, please

Edit: I’m up to speed, that is completely wild.

Few things are worse than death. Rape is one of those things. If those boys are still breathing her force was justified.

When I was in elementary, I got bullied for a disability I had. The school never did anything so my uncle taught me how to hit someone and where to aim. The school didn’t like that, always saying I should have reported the bullying instead.

My mum explained that we tried that and went ignored, and the school claimed that even if it seemed like nothing happened, things were actually happening but whatever allegedly happened didn’t matter because the bullying continued, so I kept hitting them.

And of course it was always me getting in trouble and not the bullies because “girls aren’t supposed to do that”.

If this happens to my daughter I’d own the school. So many lawsuits against the kids and parents. Plus if I hear this happens to anyone I’m not going to let it rest either. This is some bullshit.

Well yeah, the outrage isn’t to actually help people, come on now how long have you been paying attention?

Sounds like dunleavys policies at work

She didn’t defend herself with a gun, so she improperly protected herself based on GOP/NRA standards

Sounds like they fucked around and found out. Good for her.

And they didn’t even have to go deep-cover pretending to be an oppressed minority to do it: was it *all* a lie???

Show of hands, who saw this coming from a thousand miles away?

Because misogyny. Will it ever end?

If it was my daughter I would be suing the school. Teaching women to be docile in a threatening situation. Hell no! Fuck these idiots

It was never about protecting women or the sanctity of bathrooms

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