Not all heroes wear capes

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Imagine the psychological scars from all those he couldn’t save, watching them jump.

There’s a documentary about this called Angel of Nanjing if anyone’s interested.

Something tells me he is been there himself

How many people would read this and have their take away be: don’t go on the weekend?

He definitely deserves an award for saving so many lives. But if this is the #1 suicide bridge, why hasn’t the government done something about it?

I wonder if he ever stopped the same person more than once.

I could see this becoming a compulsion, because once you’ve saved a few you’d feel like you were killing people by not going

At this stage of my life I’m not entirely sure if he is right…

Saved or caused them further suffering? Guess it depends on perspective.

how likely it is that the saved person wont do another attempt

There’s also a guy that does this in Northern Europe (Norway?).

His house is near a cliff that’s a popular suicide spot and he talks people out of committing suicide, and usually offers them tea too!

He is so kind. But I always wonder “and then what?” It’s a wonderful gesture, but if these people go right back to the situation that caused them such horrible feelings, which they do, with no further help (usually money or emotional support), then what?

I hope the ones he saved weigh on him than the ones he couldn’t

So now there’s 321 people walking around who wish they were dead, is it not better to let them die?

We have to fix society so people don’t want to kill themselves. 

Im sure all those people feel “saved”.

Get off that ledge and get back in the factory!

Orphan Crushing Machine.

I’m not about trying to commodify everything here, but what does it say about our society that some guy, on his own accord, without pay, needs to continuously be a watchdog for people trying to kill themselves on *one* bridge out of countless?

There’s a chain of events and states leading up to this, and by letting it come to people taking their own lives we’re intrinsically saying there is no value in saving these people.

Agency over one’s very existence is the most fundamental right.

Let people decide when it is time to go.


This kind of thing upsets me… if I’m ready to end my suffering leave me alone

If you really want to be a hero. Be a friend to someone who has none and be their for people who are struggling. Be the reason why they never go to the bridge.

I say this as someone who went through the suicide of one of the people I loved the most. Choosing to end one’s own life is the most complex and personal decision there is. No one else can make that call for you. People deserve to die with dignity and autonomy in the manner of their choice, not running from someone who is trying to chase them down and proselytize their ideology. This man won’t have to be there when the person wakes up alone the next day with all the same problems. If someone makes that decision be glad that they will be at peace afterward. Out of their pain. Anyone who genuinely wants to help should offer support to those left behind (if, in fact, that person has anyone at all.) I’m well aware I’ll be downvoted to shit for speaking my truth because it’s uncomfortable to hear, but I’ve had 17 years since my best friend’s death to reflect on the subject. Unless you have too don’t be so quick to judge.

This doesn’t count as saving if you don’t help them not want to die.

I never get why this is so praised by normies:

a) why does a guy have to do this for free? This is pure r/orphancrushingmachine. Why are we letting society away with being so shit the praising the people who’re picking up the pieces, while the government is handing out money that could go to universal basic income to oil companies or whatever?

b) why stop people if they want to Kermit? Is it a case of “no one escapes!” or what? I got the police called on me a few weeks ago and it just pissed me off… Why did someone try to “save me”, if anything my bf would get the house and all my money, which is a pretty good deal. The only thing I learned from that experience is “next time, don’t miss, make sure you have a good plan.”




How many did he not save though?!

It is hard to look at this level of compassion and not reflect on your own capacity for it.

Wow, this makes wanna cry… Such an awesome human being. Sometimes we need someone to save us from our own decisions.

I’m glad this man exist.

Don’t jump on weekends. Got it!


I’d rather drink myself to death than jump off a bridge

I feel like there is a depressing origin story for this man.

As a person who has tried and failed to end my life a few times, this dude is stopping people from the freedom that i crave


There is no escape. We’re all stuck in this bs together. You can’t just leave 

That is a man who found his purpose

321 people! He deserves compensation.

Why are we acting like saving ppl that wanted to die is a heroic thing ? Do you guys assume that all of those were foolish or there suffering meant nothing that compelled them to take drastic measure such as suicide ? Like i am trying to understand how you help these guys after they are saved ? Do you let them know that there are other ways to die painlessly (in case you thought jumping off bridge and dying that way cause them to suffer a lot ).

The hardest part was getting to 321, because every time he ran up to a person about to jump, out of breath and saying “3…2…1″…


Hopefully, he’s there to offer life longlong counciling and emotional support for each one of them after he saves them.

Perhaps higher rails should be installed? It seems like a precaution that ought to have been considered long before becoming the #1 suicide site.

So he saved 322?

A man with a mission. God bless.

Taiwan #1

Im the next jumper 😖😩 I can’t live anymore. Im dying anyway, my body is dying, Im losing blood, Im feeling strange, something is not right. Yes probably I will go to the hospital soon 😖 or do nothing and wait to see me dying slowly. 😟 Take my life and save my misery 😟 I want to rest and never wake up again. Done. Finito!! But I keep being trapped in this wave of mental deprivation and suffering. Waiting to be saved by someone or something that doesn’t exist!!! And then, when everything is done, only remain the last hope :The next jumper!

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