Not Even Close.

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I don’t know how it’s physically possible to work two jobs and take care of a child. I’ve never had to do it and every time I imagine it the math just doesn’t make sense. There aren’t enough hours in the day.

Work proportionally equating to income is one of the largest fallacies that maintains our wealth inequity.

Billionaires don’t break a sweat; they hire someone to do it for them. Meanwhile, we’re out here running a triathlon every day.

Luigi already told us

Elon Musk is the CEO of like 5 different companies AND going to run a mock government department.

Can’t be that fucking hard.

But they made more shareholder value so they are propped up like they are the hardest working, smartest businessmen in the industry.


Wait they are not working a million times harder then the average person? I am shocked!

CEO is such a tough job, the richest one can be CEO of 3 different companies, visit his lapdog in Florida once a week and still find time to post on twitter a rediculous amount each day.

Not all work has equal value

Having kids is a choice, and rarely a wise one.

Yeah, they all to busy on their Social Media feeds right now… if all the working MFs could sit back and take it up the ass, it would be greatly appreciated.

Perfectly stated

No billionaire has ever worked


I guess finance doesn’t exist

It would be really cool if us workers got paid awesome salaries so that we could pay our bills and buy other things that all end up going back to the rich anyway.

The hardest job I ever had was harvesting roses in a greenhouse, nothing has ever come close. It was also the lowest paying job I have ever had. You’re breathing unbearable hot 100% humid air all day long, I’d come home with my back broken, clothes torn to shreds and bleeding from a thousand rose cuts.

Also, I hate those fucking flowers now.

It’s much easier when you don’t have to worry if you can afford this months rent/mortgage
That extra stress ruins peoples motivation and also their health.
Rich people”s stress is if they see their neighbour getting a bigger swimming pool than them.

Not for Elon or other but Elon made his money. Worked with no sleep and months on end. Do u think you can’t work hard then get rich and just keep working hard? You can afford to be a bit slower.
Just saying. Look into what Elon did to get to where he is.

Maybe not a billionaire but he has outworked most people on this planet.


Horrible life as a kid ✓

Navy seal ✓

Medical Doctor ✓

Astronaut ✓

Married and has three kids ✓

Yes but they “earned it”.

— clueless older gen x and boomers

I guess… They worked smarter ?

Bold claim

At this point it should be obvious to everybody that rich people aren’t good at working, they are good at exploiting other people’s work.

I disagree…physical labor is only a part of total work

you mean to tell that staying up for days at a time doing molly and ketamine while fellating yourself on the internet 24/7 isn’t the hardest job on earth? puhlease


Welcome to adulthood

This kind of mindset keeps people poor.

What is this low effort post again?

Has not worked as hard?

Yeah maybe.

But working hard or harder does not mean your work is or is not meaningful or valuable.

You can work hard on your novel but if you are talentless nobody will buy it.

You don’t connect value to the amount of hard work included in the creation of the given asset. Sorry that’s not how it works or how it should work

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