Not even people who don’t post or comment are safe anymore

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Okay, are y’all talking about subreddit bans or **full on Reddit bans?**

If you can get banned from reddit as a whole for simply upvoting an offensive but VERY FUNNY comment, WTF is the point of communicating with ANYONE on this site?

Well, Reddit is done. What are the best alternatives? I don’t expect migration to happen overnight but we better start feeling out what comes next because when even your upvotes aren’t safe, it’s clear what direction this is going to keep going.

Reddit has become the thought police over the past 8 years. It was supposed to be the bastion of freedom and now it’s full of people that are trying to control ideas by creating vacuums that further divide rather than create cohesiveness. Permanently banning someone for the slightest thing should not be an option, especially since there is ZERO appealing it

Reddit banned me for 3 days for answering a question on AskReddit. To be fair though the question was what was the worst thing anyone has said to you and a bot thought I was insulting the OP. They unbanned after I appealed.

Ohhh how the tables have turned.. everybody wants free speech, and then you try to have free speech get banned on an app that was designed for free speech..

Downvoting has gotten outta hand. The other day, I commented on a post. Must specify that my comment was not malicious or hateful or sarcastic or dirty or disingenuous or even remotely offensive. And the person whose post it was, also put a positive comment on mine, even mentioning that they liked my comment.

Then, some random people got offended about the comment, “on behalf of the OP” and started downvoting my comment. I was like – “Da fork!”

Maybe people should start to look at who owns Reddit and what might be the real reason for doing it.
Same with Discord btw
Same company
Same tactic

I mean it’s probably a good thing. People who upvote illegal things probably aren’t good people to begin with. Although it shouldn’t be an instant ban, but more of reminder that the person who upvotes it should probably be looked out for just in case.

how do they know???

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