Not the best guide

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Truer words have never been spoken ๐Ÿซก

You guys ever finger an absolutely rank girl and then think “I’m not gonna touch anything, especially my eyes or mouth, until I can wash it with soap and water”

But then you stick your dick in her and that’s all good in your mind?

Idk it’s weird when you think about it

In my restless dreams,

I see that town.

Silent Hill.


This reminds me of a quote that a friend once said after David Carradine died of auto-erotic asphyxiation:

“It just goes to show that even a lifetime of discipline and martial arts isn’t enough to save you from your own dick.”

If your plan leads you somewhere even your courage wouldnโ€™t take you, it might be time to rethink that strategy, player!

Did he find it in the end tho?


Now listen, Steve ain’t no expert, but even a squirrel can find a better guide than that, family!

But it’s hard

maybe im stupid, maybe im drunk; either way id dive down those steps head first

AND I WILL GLADLY FOLLOW IT AGAIN! Consequences be damned!

Silent Hill 2 in a nutshell. (The game below)

What show was the image above is?


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