Not the contact name too

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Changing his contact name to -5700 is diabolical

My guy fell for rule number 1

With that money, you could go fly to Amsterdam, book a hotel room, and spend the weekend getting high in actual brothels. Instead, bro spent one night looking at titties and being sad.

He got lost in the sauce

Bro paid for love and got a receipt instead.

For that much money he could’ve found someone to pretend to love him all night.

Tbh I’ve never got the point of going to a strip club. Like I love seeing naked women as much as the next man, but you might as well be asking your friends “hey guys let’s all go get boners together!!”

-5700 Aura

What’s his number. Sounds like an easy target.

A friend of mine was in the army and a had a coworker that was very bad with money. They went to a strip club ON PAYDAY and when one of the girls walked him to the ATM so he could check balance and get money she saw he had $4. She just walked away from him.

that’s like 20 hours with prostitutes in canada or germany

“We had a real connection. She really likes me”

You do not need to go to a strip club to have this experience. It usually takes a little longer than just one night for the £5,700 to disappear AND you get to have the exact same feeling in the end.

I worked at a hotel and some Korean guests came in (first time in the USA).

One guy was amazed how sweet the waitresses at Hooters were. Lol

When you go to Disneyland, you know that’s not really Goofy you just met, right? But it’s fun to play along with the fantasy. Same with strippers.

Poor dude, I mean that in both financially and empathetically.

he could be +5700 if he spent money at his strip club

Wait till he finds out about HRs and Bank Loans

If the stripper really liked you, you would not be spending any money on her.

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Can’t have fun without people hating😹

I’m trying to imagine a world where sex workers had to feel attraction or affection towards their clients and how much energy it would free in men’s lives that they could put towards something else…

Wish I could spend 5700 at the jiggly room and the only thing I’m mad about after is that they pretend they love you not the almost 6 grand I just flopped away into the sweaty buttcheeks
Of this girl called candyland

First time?

Except he didn’t

It’s not pretend

He got everything g he deserved.

So do most women.

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