Not what she asked for

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Oh shi…. can’t wait to see it on explain the joke

Santa ain’t fucking around, Samantha, you’re getting what you asked for.

Exactly what she asked for.

I guess Dad really did see Mom kissing Santa claus.

Took me a few seconds to get this one, nice

Bonus points for saying that *she* was the reason for the divorce…

Lmao, everyone here talking about divorce and my first and only thought was Christian Christmas on 25th December and orthodox Christmas on 7th january

Nice she’ll meet dad’s new friend Kimmy and her mom’s new friend Brian. What a wonderful present!

I don’t get it

Is that Santa or a fucking Monkey Pawn?

Monkey’s Paw

Jeez that’s better than how my kids found out.

My ex told our kids they were moving to a new home with their new daddy and would have Christmas there.

I didn’t even know she was having an affair.

Yes it is 😂

“Divorce babe, divorce.”

I see that Santa had some ”Christmas time” with mom and dad does not like Christmas anymore

oooof, that hurts

Why is Santa’s coat trying to smooch

That’s where my kids will be next Christmas

Ol’ Santa pulled a monkey paw out of his bag of tricks this year.

My parents were too poor individually so I got zero

Every kid’s favorite childhood experience: learning to worry about bouncing back and forth between parents for two of everything now.

Next Christmas Santa be like “Who’s your daddy?”

In the Netherlands we always have two Christmasdays. So thanks for the clarification

I see the actual holups are coming back, it was about time!

One could have turned to Eastern Orthodoxy and they decided to celebrate Christmas twice. Since they are ~14 days apart.

Oh that’s nic… ooooooooohh

Wt….. Ohhhhh…. Ohhhhhh… Dude this was dark

my best friend and neighbor had divorced parents when i was growing up, single digit age. 

he did not get two christmases. the parents alternated years.

this cartoonist is not familiar with the issue and that saddens me.

plus, the child mentions how it “flies by”, but the parents getting a divorce doesn’t change how long christmas is. fuck this cartoon.

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