Notch basically just announced the spiritual successor to Minecraft 2

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I’m sure it’ll use a suitably popular and modern language like Java

“Notch basically anounced Minecraft 2”

Notch: I basically announce Minefract 2.

Yes, makes sense

Edit: thanks for 4k likes!

Spiritual successor to Minecraft 2? When did Minecraft 2 come out?


**Edit:** because I keep getting replies along the same lines… this was a *rhetorical question* poking at the error in the post title…

The statement from Notch says “I basically announced Minecraft 2”. The post title says “Notch basically just announced the spiritual successor to Minecraft 2”.

Notch announced the spiritual successor to Minecraft, not Minecraft 2. The spiritual successor to “Minecraft 2” would be “Minecraft 3”.

Please do not reply to this with your explanation of what is or isn’t minecraft 1 or 2.

I’m confused. First he says that Mojang is amazing and Microsoft is enshitting it but then he follows it with Microsoft is letting the studio do things their own way?? 

Is…he running out of money?

The title makes no sense. There is no Minecraft 2.

Okay, but why would you want to support a guy like Notch?

How exactly do you make a successor to Minecraft? More content? Improved graphics? You change too much & it’s just going to be another open world survival & I think we have enough of those. You want games like Minecraft but different? They already exist. Examples include:

Terraria, Grounded, The Forrest & its sequel, Subnautica, The Long Dark, Project Zomboid, Don’t Starve & many others.

This is like showing up to a party that ended years ago, the original residents moved out & the house has been replaced by a completely different building.

Is Notch still… y’know…

This time… it’s octagons.

Is that successor with a hard R, notch?

Is he legally allowed to say that he’s ‘basically’ making Minecraft 2?

Minecraft 2, now with *drum roll*…… Triangles!

“Notch basically just announced the spiritual successor to Minecraft 2”

Some might say he announced the spiritual successor to Minecraft.

Is he still wildly racist online?

It’ll be released just after Hytale, I’m sure

Fuck this guy

I’m still bummed he’s not making that stranded space survival programming game, sounded fun tbh

He still went of the deep end and has been swimming around in alt-right circles, so I hope all of his efforts come to nothing.

If it comes down to it, the best example of a spiritual successor that comes to mind is 007: Goldeneye -> Perfect Dark imo

If his next game goes in a similar direction of game feel/ mechanics, I’d call it a success


Minecraft 2: Spherecraft.

Making a 2nd part is easy, with the 3rd it’s almost impossible.

L tweet tbh

The type of statement you can make when money basically, barely matters to you…

I’ve played that, it’s called Vintage Story

So basically he has a concept of a plan for a spiritual successor to Minecraft 2?

Which one? Cobalt, Scrolls, or that weird space one

Minecraft but racist

What the fuck is he even saying here

Aint bro a nazi?

..isn’t this guy like super racist? Why support him

Wasn’t Notcha a dick and didn’t know what to do with Minecraft? He basically fell into wealth. No reason to pretend he is especially talented or a visionary now. Kids nowadays probably don’t know he was ever involved.

Ugh, I was really hoping to never hear from this p.o.s. ever again.

Why? Surely he’s got ideas for different games and genres?

Minecraft began as a shamelessly infringed clone of Infiniminer, that just so happened to find the right audience at the right time. It was also originally destined to become a base defense game, and had no clear direction until its sudden influx of fans made it clear where the game shined. It was also a horrible mess of spaghetti code until he hired people and made it their full-time job to untangle it.

Notch is announcing here that he doesn’t want to try to sneakily infringe on Mojang’s work, because he no doubt intends to unsneakily infringe. He was a mid developer who stumbled on success. Now he’s an extremely rich mid developer trying to catch lightning in a bottle a second time. I have little doubt that this is going to be a disastrous boondoggle, the only unknown here is how exactly he is going to fuck this up.

Hopefully he can bring back that sense of fantasy and awe that Minecraft used to have. Now the games updates seem too “safe” and they don’t take risks with interesting ideas anymore. I want that sense of wonder back

I have no money for Notch. No money for angry nerds who say hateful stuff on the internet.

Fuck that dude.

So now we have to wait for another game that will never come out, just like HL3, GTA6 and HKS

Dude spends his entire time shouting at clouds on Twitter for years and the best he can come up with is….. Minecraft….. Again. Lmao the dude is such a loser

Everything is a sphere instead of square

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