Nothing to see here, just more lies about science from Elon Musk!

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If this is medically true, then obviously his mother birthed him through a very tight sphincter.

Every recent comment from that ham is like shooting fish in a barrel for idiot points.

It’s kind of poetic that so many brilliant researchers, scientists and engineers work at companies ran and funded by this fucking loser.

He has it backwards. C sections do not drive a large head circumference. A larger head circumference​ drives a higher need for C section.

Intelligence is not directly linked, however, to head size. There is a slight correlation but not enough to make a statistical difference. Intelligence has far too many other SIGNIFICANT factors (especially non-physical ones) for head size to be a key factor.

So Musk is passing on anecdotal links as if they were science. It is incorrect but he likely to convince a lot of people of is truth.

He’s a dangerous kind of liar. The kind of liar who uses things with a small kernel of truth. Don’t ignore him. Check on him. Spread facts. Learn to navigate your emotional reactions.


I’ve been to a birth class with my wife, and we were explicitly told that C-Sections are in no way better than Vaginal delivery. There’s all kinds of pro’s and cons, but none of them are to do with a larger brain size.

Elon Musk is a stupid fucking asshole who would literally say he drinks his own piss because he probably would think it made him smarter. Nothing he says should be taken with any seriousness.

Elon Musk sure loves to lie.

Unfortunately I don’t think it takes a pediatrician to know this, Elon Musk being a liar and a con isn’t exactly rocket science… or in this case, birth science.

He is taking lessons from Trump. Say ridiculous crap and MAGA loves you.

> The researchers with this new effort believe it has led to even more babies being born with over-large heads.

This is true. My head was too large so I was a C-section baby. Still dumb as rocks though. Just have a large head.

*Babies born vaginally are exposed to bacteria from their mother’s vaginal and fecal flora as they pass through the birth canal. This exposure helps babies develop a healthy immune system. Babies born vaginally also produce more protective antibodies after childhood vaccines than babies born by C-section.*

I remember when people thought Elon was this genius visionary whose progressive ideals would lead us to a brighter future

Then he bought into his own hype, decided to open his fat mouth, and everyone realized their mistake. Now the only person who thinks Elon is a genius is Elon himself. And a bunch of chuds I suppose

I like Elon. Because sometimes I feel bad about not accomplishing enough in life, but with him I can just look at an actual billionaire and think “Hey, I may not be a billionaire but at least I’m not as completely batshit insane as he is!”

Is there another kind?

I think he was born out the anus!

Jesus Christ that man speaks ignorance with the confidence of well, the ignorant.

“Bigger” brains doesnt means more of it used

Sperm whales have a 20lbs brain but I dont see them committing acts of super intelligence

just evidence musk must have been born from someone’s backside

Brain/Skull size as a predictor of IQ is some world class eugenics shit.

Reading some of these comments. Lol smh.

Human brain size is indeed a birth problem and a primary reason why, prior to modern medicine, the maternal death rate during childbirth was so very high relative to pretty much any other mammal.

That said, Musk’s statement is a total logical fallacy that takes this out of context to arrive his desired answer. All a C-section does is limit darwinian pressure that would (a) create a preference for wider pelvic openings and/or (b) create a preference for smaller head size at birth, which could be through a lot of mechanisms.

So he can now point to the facts behind his statement and to his target audience and say “see, I know more than doctors do”

He wins no matter what, and doubly so because we’re all talking about his random bullshit.

C-sections do allow for larger head sizes. There are dog breeds that have no way of giving a natural vaginal birth because of how large their heads are. This in no way means that humans have evolved to the point where they require c-sections for babies with larger brains or that their larger brains would make them more intelligent.

First of all, that sounds like BS. Second of all, if all the obgyns get other jobs because they are too afraid to do their jobs in states where they could possibly be charged with a crime for doing their jobs who will even perform c-sections in the first place?

Oh look, it’s yet another self appointed women’s health expert who couldn’t find the clitoris with a flashlight and a map. Has Musk even had a single kid without an IVF test tube?

Being a cunt does not make you an expert in them.

What does he mean heavy use

This is one of the reasons I can’t stand Leon or Dump. They both act like they know everything when in reality they know fuck all.

I’m hearing that in Cliff Claven’s voice.

At this point, just like Trump, I’m going to assume everything First Lady Elonia says is a lie.

I wonder if he’ll overdose into a coma this year?

Must be blissful living out your dream as the incantation of Dunning Krueger.

Musk could comment on the color of my shirt and I would fact check it. 

Jesus Christ can someone just break his fucking legs already

How do you have degrees of C-Section? “heavy use” as opposed to what?

Musk’s head is filled with a large smooth fatty brain.

I was a removal baby. I’m an idiot, but at least I’m not that stupid.

Elon Musk suffers from what Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger described as the *Shoe Button Complex*.


“fabricated lie” is Latin for “stupid shit”

Why is he allowed to say this and not be stopped?

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