Now According to google it’s officially gulf of America

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comment image?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bc21028c3efeb5d0ffcb431f3c0c0d790720298

This is what appears on Google maps when viewing from Australia

comment image?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edcffaebace84eee9b1adc77d10c2612c7eddb2

Apple Maps still has Gulf of Mexico.

Thank goodness the real issues are finally being addressed

This is one of the dumbest god damn things a modern president has ever done. The fucking grandstanding holy shit.

FYI – Apple Maps still shows Gulf Of Mexico

A) this is a waste of time & money

B) this is a distraction from real issues

C) literally any future president can undo this “change” 👍

Meanwhile in México:
comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964d42fc25a9963e3646af069db9e07c95f4d58b

This is such a non issue. Even the most hyper nationalist types didn’t think about renaming it. What’s next, are they gonna rename New Mexico to New America?

This is so dumb

Should have at least been ‘Merica

This is as stupid as freedom fries

This is so fucking dumb. If we can’t stand up to the small petty demands how are we going to take on the major infractions of liberty? Grow a fucking spine, work together, and oppose oppression.

This is so stupid

. Boot-lickers. It’s still Gulf of Mexico to me. and Mt Denali.not going to have the names changed by an illiterate man-baby.

I’m in the US and this is what it shows for me

Google is ran by a bunch of bitches. Got it.

Isn’t there a way to report inaccuracies? What if 200 people per minute reported this as wrong? Not that I have access to a botnet to pull that off, but someone probably does.

Not sure why your post is getting downvoted. Upvote for being informative. Downvote for bad takes. Cmon fellas.

time to stop using Google, pushover ass-kissers

In Australia it now says “Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)”. What a joke, we didn’t sign up for this shit.

He wanted to name it after himself but his advisors said ‘Bay of Pigs is already taken’

It’s so shameful that these tech companies are bending for trump. 😢😢😢

As an American, it will always be the Gulf of Mexico.

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Long live Gulf of Mexico

I want to have tees printed that says IT’S THE

so fucking embarrassing

American here and all I can say is 🤮

I’m so embarrassed to live in this country

For the next fourish years.

Google will always fold to authoritarians. They folded like a deck of cards to the PRC.

How do I request a change? I’m thinking of asking if the USA and Iran can swap names?

No it’s not.

I honestly didn’t know presidents have the power to just change the names of things they don’t like. Like what if he wanted to start changing city names to Trumptown? Could he just do that? Google will be like ok I gotchu? He could just change Chicago to Trumptown or what?

I hate everyone who voted for this dumbass.

You can report errors to google maps, and I strongly suggest you do. This is nothing but a terrorist trying to use fear to get what he wants. It’s fucking disgusting and should be corrected immediately.

Why does the President of the United States get to decide what any body of water is called? Can the next president change the name to the “Gulf of Donald Trump is a Small-dicked Fuckstick?”

Absolute dumbfuckery. Fuck Trump. We’re fucked.

Freedom Fries! 

Why does it have to be called Gulf of America though
Like what does it change or improve?

Changing these names seems like a very inefficient way to spend government money. Perhaps some government agency should look into this.

What a fucking stupid world we live in. This timeline is balls.

RIP Harambe 💔

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Yes we know Google consists of cowards that bow to every wannabe dictator if it gets them more money.

How this buffoon is a god to a third of America is the height of stupidity

OK SOOOOOOO…..where are the low grocery prices????

I hate Trump. Being an American is way more embarrassing than when W was president.

Gulf of Hurricane

Yes, but what are we going to do about “New Mexico?” We can’t really call it “New America.” Hmm..

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