Now we know why..

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When you watch a movie with a clearly immoral villain and say โ€œhey! Theyโ€™re making his immorality appear as a negative trait! Thatโ€™s political!โ€ Your political ideology is objectively fucked

I love how “visual design” in a movie of swarthy, hot men gets the highest marks. “These dudes are so hot, but too woke for me.”

I wish these ‘RETVRN’ assholes would learn that the Roman Empire, by and large, didn’t give two shits about race. Society was ordered by whether one was a citizen of the Empire or not, and one’s socioeconomic position within it.

Rome even had a Moorish Emperor, Septimius Severus.

Love how every time someone says ‘woke,’ itโ€™s like theyโ€™re playing political Mad Libs. A movie full of shirtless white dudes fighting in slow motion? Clearly a covert cultural conspiracy.

The word “woke” tells you everything you need to know about the person who said it and nothing about the thing they described as “woke.”

โ€œWoke lies kill artโ€ and yet the movie that was #1 last weekend is a musical about race starring a Black woman.

I cannot believe — refuse to believe — that there is not some built in check against MFers like Musk in American democracy. Did we really create a system that kept the door open for technogarchs this whole time?

The real irony is that conservatives / reactionaries don’t produce any art at all; it’s only decent, humane, progressive people.

“This movie about Romans made by a British director sure does have the wrong opinions about American politics.”
– Elon “Projecting much?” Musk

LoL he wants to be “edgy” SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!

There’s definitely historical inaccuracies, but I wouldn’t call an ancient Roman Newspaper, sharks and baboons in the coliseum and battle rhinos “Woke”.

I think they might be thinking non-white characters in roles other than slaves is “Woke”. This is because Elon doesn’t know shit about ancient Rome.

I actually really enjoyed Gladiator 2. I’d seen Gladiator so I didn’t expect historical accuracy.


At this point, itโ€™s never about being woke, itโ€™s about being outraged for the sake of being outraged.

Elmo and co. are not serious people.

I mean it’s not a great movie, it’s literally just a rehash of the original but worse in almost every way, but it certainly isn’t ‘woke’.

I can see why Elmo is feeling called out by Gladiator II…

Itโ€™s always the loudest ones throwing woke around who would have cried the hardest back in Spartan times.

Gladiator 2 was art?

The only ‘woke’ part of the movie was the ficticious reenactments to make it seem more ‘macho’ and the lack of homosexual interactions because ‘right wing bros don’t wanna see that’. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Gladiator 2 is woke now lol? Itโ€™s literally a sequel to the most โ€œconservative dadโ€ movie ever and is basically a remake of the original movie with slight changes.

Anyway, I was honestly rooting for Denzelโ€™s character most of the movie. A former slave working his way up the ranks through political machinations in order to get revenge on the family of the man who enslaved him and become Emperor himself is a far more interesting premise than an exiled Prince becoming a gladiator and trying to weirdly reestablish the Republic when literally nobody in this time period wouldโ€™ve wanted such a thing.

He’s not wrong that the movie had amazing visual effects and a script that was a complete mess, but I don’t know what was woke about Gladiator 2. The main character was played by a white dude, hell even the fucking sharks swimming in the coliseum were great whites.

No. It’s bad because it’s poorly written. Get over yourselves.

So now itโ€™s woke to say money can purchase influence? Leon is a a bad joke. โ€œThings I donโ€™t like are wokeโ€!

elon fucking musk complaining about โ€œkilling artโ€ is the most offensive thing heโ€™s ever done in my opinion. what the hell. i am actually speechless.

I swear Elon is the most online person on the entire planet. Like TF he just comments on the most random pointless shit that 95% of the internet wouldn’t ever see.

Is he going to comment on absolutely everything now, everyday, all day long? I donโ€™t care what he thinks.

Yeah I saw this tweet and deleted twitter seconds later. What a dumb sumbitch and also racist. And who tf is he to talk about โ€œartโ€ when he promotes generative AI.

When the visual design has you questioning your own standards… and your life choices..

I love when people say woke kills art like no, action movies have never accurately pirtrayed social commentary. They might have broad strokes in there but nothing nuanced. Its a fun movie, and thats why its good. Its not meant to be deep.

It really bothers me that we thoufor some reason that Musk was going to be helpful. Something happened my money is on drug use.

The bad guy in the movie is a guy who was born a slave, had a hard life, and sacrifices everything to rise to the top in an attempt to make the world a better place

the hero in the movie is a guy who was born into royalty. Had a relatively easy life. Returns to a country he hadnt been to in decades to depose the current rulers and bring back the old ways.

Its a little more nuanced than that, but still. This movie makes me root for the Prince to kill the hard working peasant

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