Now who’s the idiot

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Also the store pays him $400,000,000.00 for armored cybertrucks.

You hire a pathological liar with a history of drug use and personality disorders as your auditor; he copies all your customers sensitive information against your policies and in violation of the law. Then decides he is in charge of security as well, and stops paying your bills without any authority to do so.

He tells you someone else is stealing your money, while he is stealing, demands more authority, and exorbitant fees for a crap product he wants your business to use. Then he brags about it during your press interview. He hires a team of absolute idiots who insult your team and all your customers.

Other employees point this out and he threatens them with obstructing his audit.

Sounds about right for a Trump business plan; how does anyone believe this guy is helping us? Congrats, you Made Americans Gag Again.

Elon Musk comes walking in wearing clothes with security tags all over them and brings a bunch of kids into the security room to “review the footage”

They come out with their pockets full of what looks like media equipment and they say they definitely reviewed the footage but we can’t see it. Instead they’ve written down who’s guilty

The most bullshit youll ever hear is the worlds richest man wanting unchecked power to make things run better for the people

This is so offensively stupid. He literally just stole 80 million from nyc.

What a weird metaphor, I don’t own the USA. It’s more like

“You work for a company. The CEO hired a consultant to come in and do some cost cutting. He claims that your salary was calculated wrong and so now you make 25% less, the company lays off half the staff and the CEO and the consultant are given new yachts by the company as a thank you for the cost savings.”

He’ll make a convenient scapegoat for Trump when the polls drop.

Why do they believe everything he says?

Elon brings a gang of techbro thugs to your store, they bar you entry to your own store, they take control over all your computer systems. Elon tells you there’s been massive fraud so he has to take all of your money to prevent further fraud. You are left penniless and have no idea what they did to your computer systems.

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Put Elon in prison

I feel like this is the meme of the spidermen pointing at each other. Elon is spider man in this instance. 

Elon musk is a poser. He’s never invented a damn thing.

Wait, in this scenario did the footage show Elon stealing the items or did he just show up with random security footage he had no business putting in my store?

There’s no way they’re all this stupid? Or maybe it’s mostly the loudmouths?

Your store is operating normally. The mayor sends the richest man in town to look at your books, without your supervision. The richest man then tells the whole town that you are robbing them. He offers no evidence.

Bold talk for the guy who just stole $80 million from New York City.

But in the real case, Elon just comes in, takes your money, doesn’t tell you who stole from you and shuts your business down.

Why would Elon need to look at anything if you already have security cameras? Just watch the damn footage yourself and you’d know who robbed your store. 😏

Meme creator is an absolute idiot. 😆

Why are all these people just accepting whatever these guys say without looking at any evidence

I know these people are painfully stupid but it remains legitimately shocking how quickly they can pivot from screeching about “unelected bureaucrats” to sucking Elmo’s dick in public.

Musk is not finding fraud. His teenagers who know nothing about the workings of government are finding expenditures. Nothing more. “Gave Chelsea Clinton $83M” is actually “gave $83M to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for charity work”. The list goes on. I’m stunned the (so far roughly) $480M to SpaceX and Tesla hasn’t been labeled a conflict of interest, but that’s not at all why he’s there.

Now that’s how you fix the headline

Except Elon is just making stuff up with no evidence against institutions that would hold him and his company accountable. That’s it. Zero credibility to his “data collection”

You own a store. You know [shrink]( is happening, but you’re uncertain how much or who’s doing it. It’s time to get a new manager as the old one retired. A man in a business suit with a plastic smile walks in and says he knows just the man for the job, a guy with a clear addiction to spray tanning. The orange man’s background check fails and he’s rude to everyone, but both men seem confident, so you hire the orange man anyway.

Immediately, the orange man hires the plastic man as head of security. You leave to go home, but after 5 minutes into your drive, the plastic man calls you. He says he’s fired half your employees and all your shelves are empty, but it’s okay because he’s going to hire all his college buddies and has a garage full of homemade items he can give you to sell. Oh, and he’s changed the locks on the store, but he won’t be giving you a key for security reasons.

There, fixed it.

You do know that auditors produce a proper paper trail with their findings right? Are they providing an audit trail or are they just deleting stuff and producing juicy noise bytes? Their approach is destructive where it didn’t need to be that way. Why wouldn’t the government use an independent auditor? Because this is a partisan attack on a government institution. Full stop.

Your store gets robbed. Elon looks at the video and points to a random person, probably black, and tells you they did it. While he is telling you this, he is stuffing stacks of 20s from your safe into his pants and his friends are spray painting dicks on your windows.

You own a store. Your store gets robbed. Elmo comes, looks at the footage and tells you the cashier opened the cash register and got few bills out to give a customer his change so it must be the cashier who robbed you. You go berate the cashier while Elmo cleans out your safe.

We elected the felon. We’re all the idiot.

Where’s all the proof? If he knows who took them money and now then have Trump use the emergency broadcast system.

“Tells you who did it…”

Can they point to an example of fraud where they have identified a suspect to be investigated?

Also the metaphor breaks down further, if you have footage why would you need to show it to Elon, let alone get him to identify the suspect? He would have to know the suspect which positions him as an accomplice or acquaintance, not an investigator.

Elon robs a store. He tells you the owner did it. Your stupid ass believes him.

Yes, that’s what happens when you break into my home to sift through my security footage.

anyone who thinks finding corruption , fraud and waste in our government is bad , might actually be retarded or against America improving. What’s next? “ I hate corporations so I hate tariffs”. if you hate corporations you should love tariffs. Tariffs fuck corporations more then trying to get them canceled and anyone defending no tariffs has just been astroturfed by corporations so much they believe the bs.

The problem is Elon won’t show us the footage, so he can claim a unicorn made off with it and these Elon fanboys would think we should believe him.

Imagine if this was something else tho. Imagine another president with the idea of wanting to lower gun crime in America came along and said I’m hiring the best person for the job to find the best way to fix the issues our country has with so much gun deaths, school shootings etc.. But that person says while we do a investigation we are going to be banning the sale of all firearms until we come up with the better system and now every gun store has to close while the president and his “expert” investigate and find ways to fix one of America’s biggest problems. Are these same people also going to say oh yes the president is just trying to help fix our country and stop so many deaths happening in our country and kids being killed so we should let him do whatever he needs to do to fix the problem…. I bet people would want everything to be done by the book then and to follow the rules.

If you let Trump and Elon do whatever they want without following rules all your doing is saying that future presidents can do the Same… And what happens if they want to do something that u actually don’t agree with… Well to bad because you said trump can so now everyone can in future.

Your store gets robbed

People who work at the store know who did it and won’t to stop it happening again

Elon gets rid of those people so he can go back and rob the store again

I want to arrest Elon because he’s pointing to a lot of people who stole stuff, getting them arrested, and then having the cops give the shit to him. And, btw, most of the people who “stole” are people he just doesn’t like and the “theft” was the employees (or elected representatives) giving away all the stuff in the store legally. Also, Elon jealous because he tried to get some more free stuff than all the other thieves and the employees didn’t give him extra, so he took our campaign finance system to its logical end and started buying the store’s assets and using them to give himself the parts of the store he didn’t buy.

I mean, you could turn this analogy back on the MADAs pretty easily. It raises the question who’s an idiot?

How TF you gonna embezzle money from your OWN store?!?!

Your friend blames the missing money on old people and special ed students and cancer patients, but somehow can himself afford to go to Mars and buy Twitter.

Elon comes into your store.

Says it’s been robbed and he figured out who did it.

Points out an employee and fires him.

Says “Trust me bro” when asked about evidence.

Helps himself to the cash register.

Sets up shop in your office.


In my case, it was more like, I own part of a store, one of the co-owners comes in and says we’ve been robbed, then Elon Musk comes in and roots through my office, throwing a lot of my belongings out the window. So yeah I might want him arrested.

Who are these people that make these memes and do they leave out the whole picture on purpose or do they really fucking believe their shit

Still you

The countries debt will surely be paid off now that Iraqi Sesame Street is canceled 

He didn’t show me a video, though. He showed me a cactus.

this meme is wrong – it acts like Trump is the boss and Elon is the “staffer”. Its the other way around. The worlds richest man bought the US Presidency and is spending a few months tearing down any federal resistance to him becoming the world’s first trillionaire.

Reddit has become a cesspool for the ultra far left.

Elon looks at the tape of Elon stealing your stuff. Elon threatens to send government thugs to beat the shit out of you and send you to prison if you open your fucking mouth. Then he says he’ll be back next week.

This is such a bad take lol.

Elon IS THE THEIF. How are people not getting this.

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