NYC goes 5 days without a shooting

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*Without a shooting that you know of

Pax newyorka- praise be

They can’t afford bullets.

From February 16th 2025:

***STATEN ISLAND. N.Y. — Police are asking for help in the case of the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old girl in Queens Saturday.***

***Authorities responded to a 911 call around 5:13 p.m. upon arrival they found the girl shot in the head, according to the Deputy Commissioner of Public Information.***

Next up NYC sees strange increase in plastic sheeting and shovel sales

The Government workers reporting them probably got fired.

Dead men tell no tales….

Thank you Snake Plissken.

*NYC goes 5 days without reporting a shooting

No CEOs taking morning walks in the cold.

Cost of bullets must have went up due to inflation. 🤷🏻

What a stupid lie. There’s a body somewhere right now and another one being made.

got any proper sources to back that claim or is this more of an “trust me bro”?


Good for you New York, you little rascal [sruffles New York’s hair]

Really? A quick Google search shows otherwise.

Don’t jinx it.

Did Trump take credit for that yet?

lol I don’t think that’s accurate

Things are so bad the criminals can’t even afford bullets! Thanks Obama.

It’s to cold..

Liberal run Democrat city. Bet they won’t show this on Fox News.

It’s like an OSHA sign at a job site. “5 days since the last (reported) incident”.

Can’t afford bullets

I remember once when Chicago went three days without a murder and people were celebrating it. What the fuck

*Reported shooting, you surely mean

At this point I’ll take that as good news. GG NYC, well played, now go for 10!!

But Fox News told me NYC is a war zone

Saving their ammo for the coup?

Make it a whole week before celebrating

Only bc of snow and freezing rain

HUH? [](

Bullets went up in price, that’s why.


Canada never has violence. They also don’t report it.

Well what do you know, it’s as if kicking criminals out of the country actually works.

That’s good news.❤️


Is there any guess as to why?



That they’re aware of at least

Developers finally patched it

There’s an Escape from NY joke here somewhere.

Were the cops all off or what?

“Last week gotham had its first night with zero violent crimes in 54 years.”

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