Obliterate that idiot

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the civil courts call him a rapist.

Calling him something he’s been tried and convicted of? How dare she

You know what these people need to stop calling libs sensitive after all these are the biggest crybabies on the planet.
They cry over what your packing.
They cry over dyed hair.
They cry over books they don’t like.
They cry over facts.
They cry over fact checking.
They cry when called out that being overly aggressive isn’t actually masculine.
Ext. Ext

Trump’s first wife wrote a book, stated he was a rapist.

Uh….the judge who ruled against Trump called what he did “rape.”

Put AOC in charge of the DNC

Actually, the criminal trump IS a convicted rapist. He also raped children with his buddy Epstein.

Can’t be slander / libel if it’s true

Anyone celebrating a felon taking the reigns (both sides) is mentally ill.

If anyone has a chance of waking the Democrats up and getting them to start playing hardball with the Republicans, it’s probabaly her. They have to stop sanewashing Trump’s idiocy, and they have to start trying to reconnect with the working class again (we’ll leave the discussion of how dumb you have to be to think the Republicans somehow represent the working class for a other day).

Well he is a rapist proven in court. P

Republicunts hate to be confused with facts presented to them.

Strictly speaking, she didn’t call Trump a rapist. “I don’t celebrate rapists” is a perfect phrase for capturing the true essence of the moment without direct slander (if it even is slander, the courts have been pretty transparent that he is guilty of sexual assault). It’s frankly a page out of Trump’s own playbook (his phraseology always gives him an out). His favorite is “People are saying…..” as in “I didn’t say this, but other people are saying it”. Plausible deniability.

AOC is what Democrats should be like in 2025. Play dirty and dont be afraid of attacking.

The old dinosaurs need to go. They are the reason why Dems have now lost all power for at least the next 2 years.

The one good thing about the TikTok ban would have been LibsOfTikTok losing her job.


Quite apparent that what Trump did was acclimate with the swamp so much that it would keep him out of prison and convinced his base for 10 years that he was a victim the whole time.

Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes. I love how they couldn’t spell out rapist. But can fully support one.

He is a r*pist.

Remember. Crimes are okay as long as you’re rich. Just don’t be TOO loud about it.

The fact that there are people trying to convince everyone that Trump isn’t “technically” a rapist is why Trump is in office now.

If you want to fight fascism, stop pretending there are rules and norms.

Hard to sue as the judge in court has already said that was fact.

At this point this type of thing is just more grade school BS and accomplishes nothing. I would prefer that Democrats and what’s left of any real republicans that might still be out there figure out a way to beat the maga party at the ballot box. They feed off of this childish name calling and fighting, don’t give that to them. Work on reaching people to make them understand their best interest is served by voting for Democrats and not the maga party which is built on division, name calling and fighting. The maga party does not have any real policy other than tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, racism and discrimination. They do not know how to govern. How hard can it be to run a winning campaign against that?

Adjudicated rapist.

ABC *settled.* Settled instead of having to deal w that moron and his lawfare. They didn’t have to pay that and it wasn’t lies. They *settled.* Big difference.

Not clever, but I still like that she fights back. I hope she never sells out, like the majority of Dems have done.

Libs of tiktok is quite literally braindead

He is in fact a rapist.

“Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that [rape, as ‘commonly’ understood].”

He’s literally convicted

Nah…she has bigger balls than trump….calling him out for the trash he truly is

I hope I get the opportunity to call her Madame President.

I adore her.

Then how does she go to other parties with more than 3 political party members there?

Why , Do YOU celebrate Rapists?

Let’s go AOC.

Faq it we need her and people like her to speak truth to power over these a holes.

My gosh, i like her

Because he isn’t… ahahahahahah… he was FORMALLY ACCUSED!… ffs!

That’s the energy we need. This is how you respond to them.

He was found liable in a court of law, he can’t sue lol

She never actually said trump is a rapist. She said I’m not going because I don’t support rapists. There is a big difference. lol

He is a rapist.

Trump just said he has restored free speech in America in his inaugural address! Well, this is what free speech looks like. You wanted it, you got it! Trump’s a public figure, same rules don’t apply to him.

By the way, free speech doesn’t mean you can say anything without consequences, just in case you think Trump just gave you a new right you didn’t have before. You can still be fired from your job or charged with a crime in connection to speaking.

He is a rapist. So… ?

They’re afraid to even use the word “rapist.” But the Libs are the soft ones.

By all means, sue. Sue for defamation. Go to discovery. Prove that what was said is not true. I am pretty sure the convictions he has against him will not hinder that case at all for him.

He’s an adjudicated sexual abuser. Maybe that will make her feel better.

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