[OC] “Guys where do you pee?” Reddit comments visualised

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Thank you. You are the r/dataisbeautiful poster we need but don’t deserve

Where’s the stain I’m aiming for?

They’re peeing on the cats, they’re peeing on the dogs!

Looks like someone’s ramping up to give playing battleshits a try.

Noooo how come so many people are evil to the cat =(

Who the fuck is pissing on the cat

Eww, no. D6/7 and E6/7 are the way to go for minimum bounceback and sound.

They were kinda of cheating by putting two toilets in this image

Would love to know if lines 3 & 7 are a LH/RH thing.

How are the people who like to do as many laps around the water line as possible throughout represented? Not me, obviously!

Probably I5. I sit so I can comment on Reddit

When will we all agree that we are spraying pee water debris all over, including our pant legs. I’m ready to join the sitting to pee club. Whose coming with me!? Doug Stanhope shall lead the revolution.

This doesn’t account for when you have a mid stream sneezing fit and cover the walls and ceiling.

I (m) sit while peeing at home. No need to clean afterwards.

3F at night to pee quietly.
Center daily

Wouldn’t be Reddit if some users wouldn’t pee at X > 10

To everyone saying E5, do you guys clean up after all the splashing? E 2 or 3 seems safer

I never noticed the cat on the original post 😂

None of the above. r/sinkpissers

No one pisses in the hinge?

F8 for silence. E5 to let people know about your wide urethra.

Who the hell is going J1 and J10

Start in the middle to avoid splash, move to f 3 or 7 for noise dampening.

Start at C5. Then move circular around the bowl to end back at C5. Which way is random.

E5 is like too much noise

C5 is like you put some kind of silencer on your dong

You should’ve picked yellow instead of blue, but still great work

My kids, A1.

Damn toddlers.

C5 being that high up is diabolical. Instant pissed napalm back at you, the toilet, the floor and the cat in the corner

The cat has me dying. Not only did people say G-14, people made sure to hit the spots around it too.

I would love to see this as a “Ladies, where does your guy pee?” To compare the results.

I’m a guy with two holes in his penis so basically I’d spray two different places (hence I rather just sit).

C4 / D3.

I move around a bit, so every part of the bowl might get some love.

E5, with an occasional foray into columns 1 and 10

D8 – always the most silent.

E8 for sure. Maybe even E9, gotta make it so I’m not hitting the water. No one is allowed to hear me pee!!

That grid is way too small

Straight to the hole: highest splashback risk, but most satisfying.
Side bowler: stealth advantage, lowest return on investment.
Front and center: why even bother.. unless you prefer living on the edge?
Back burner: most zen, reflect upon the waterfall

G14 if I’m drunk in the dark

There’s no option for “up the walls and all over my own feet.”

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