[OC] Not all bikini armor is equally useless (art by KAJIMART, story by me and my friend)

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This is in fact a good trick in a fantasy combat.

First time posting here, really not sure if it requires the NSFW flair. Decided to not use it since there’s no nudity or visible injury.

Idea and story by u/Ivardr, text by me, artist’s name is his Telegram nickname.

New headcanon for how the magic bikini armor works in Dragon Warrior games

Does she mean to make the sword invisible or…

I first thought she had steel abs.

Gonna add this encounter in my next dnd session.

When your roommate takes 10+ minutes to just put on what she reveals to (appear to) be a bikini:

This is actually sick op, cool idea

Question for a friend…

Is that her actual body, or a projection? Also, does it still feel like wearing plate armor in bikini mode?

It’s always the knife-ears using cheap tricks to get an advantage.

hey uhhh… does it also come in male variants? One where we are basically topless but is actually well armored?

I was expecting her abs to be so toned they could just block a sword swing lol

This happens in The Wandering Inn.

Barbarians in DnD 5E be like

This is the fantasy ingenuity I crave in more fiction.
Clever use of power is typically more interesting than overwhelming power imo


“Damn, this lady must have taken a shitload of magic steroids for her abs.”~ The last thought of the dude probably

Dang… cool

My dnd character constantly uses Disguise Self to appear as though she doesn’t wear armor, because it ruins her stylish fae aesthetic. Similar concept, different reasons.

I love this comic, since I play a few games where “bikini armor” is common and I’m not a fan of it, but now I will see it like this comic and have a laugh about it.

I thought it was that way because people never hit the other area…
Viva La Dirt League did a video on this

This also works with just the first four panels. Who needs armour with abs of steel?

Nano machines, son!

Ahw man I thought her abs were just that hard, I’m a bit disappointed (but her actual armor design is cool)

I know why I was perfectly willing to accept a sword just clanging off of exposed abs.

Can someone explain to why I’m disappointed that wasn’t actually the case?

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