[OC] Political comic I commissioned from a friend

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every time he doenst wear a suit i respect him even more

TBH I think his response is a joke they didn’t really get. Z: After the war I’ll wear a costume. Something like yours.

Edit: I paraphrased the Original is

“I will wear costume after this war will finished. Yes, maybe something like yours. Yes maybe something better I don’t know we will see maybe something cheaper.”

I’ve never seen a republican wear a suit that fit right.

gaddam that was fast.
Hyper-realism is not my style, but still amazing pic

An insult to cockroaches. I can respect how resilient & tough they are. These wankers would fold in a stiff breeze.

All I can imagine running through Zelensky’s head is “Your boos bean nothing; I’ve seen what makes you cheer” but in Ukrainian.

Mad respect to him not playing dress up for the Russian.

Ironically *not* a comic, it’s reality.

Proof there are indeed stupid questions

What a frustrating timeline to exist in

Could not be more true

Those look like ants. Should probably be roaches.

Hehe cock party

Should have had Vance’s suit ride even higher up his legs

Can I screenshot and share this?

Tis so offensive!

To roachs!


I appreciate Rubio roach has appropriate body language

Fucking top notch

Great comic!

When getting Metamorphosis-ed doesn’t make you a social pariah.

Where’s the Raid

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My feed


Any asshole can put on a suit. Character matters.

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Love it

They should be worms. As roaches you’re giving them more spine than what they actually have.

I personally hate suits and ties. So antiqued.

I will never wear a suit (Fascist Costume) again.

How Kafkaesque

The irony. He was the best dressed guy there, next to the slouching beast who wears his tie so long it reaches his taint, and the vice shoggoth, in his short pants.


I’d love this more if they had drawn the tryzub on Zelenskyy’s chest. Otherwise, perfectly embodies the shit ambush

Can you share to r/ukraine please?

Why come you don’t have a tattoo?

Make his tailor was on the front line, or just maybe mens warehouse hasn’t gotten a delivery in three years and is missing its windows and roof…

why are you wearing that bunny costume?

Anybody have good subreddits to post this in? I dont post a lot on reddit but sarahs work means a lot to me and Id love to get as many eyes on it as possible

The crazy thing is I’m sure US PR firms decided not wearing a suit would be more effective as part of the cocoon of propaganda they wove around him.

Well, that was quick

I like it, but the roaches aren’t fat and disgusting enough

I like how obese old men that can barely fit in their suit. Is criticizing a man for not wearing a suit. While allowing Elon to be in the office with casual wear on daily lol.


Trump bug needs to be fatter

Oddly, they look less like parasites than I thought they would

isn’t this Bugmen of St. Christopher

Is that Neo from the matrix’s

Because he is a dick pianist in a rash guard.

dumb beyond words

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