[OC] Scattered Pages: Occult One Year Anniversary Giveaway! (Mod Approved)

By NorthVC
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Those are bloody beautiful, infernal warlock or furry wizard too hard to decide

Edit: I’ll be updating **this** comment to announce the winner!!

These might be the coolest dice I’ve seen. Winning or not, I’m gonna get them. Crossing my fingers

Oh, these are super creepy actually!

I’d love to see that Surprise Encounter Chonk d20 raffled next, it’s sweet looking!

this set would be a wonderful present for my dm, who implemented a book into our homebrew campaign that gives you information (history, goals, feelings) on any person who has touched one of its pages! i would just buy the set if i werent strapped for cash 😅 definitely sending your page to my dice goblin party members!

These are such a cool idea, your mimic and cube sets are also cool.

I snagged your 27mm surprise encounter D20, you should absolutely raffle that next! Thanks for being awesome

these dice are incredible. I just got my first dice molds and I hope to eventually get to this level of quality and creativity

Your dice look great! The mimic set in particular is a fantastic idea that is executed beautifully

These are awesome. I really love the scattered pages: arcane set!

These are sick and your wisp woods set goes hard too

Amazing dice! I think my favorite is the gelatinous cube set

This set is simply astounding and so cleanly crafted. But there is something about the coral fragments set that just stands apart, and I am not sure why.

Beautiful dice! Love the Wisp Wood set as well!

Those are amazing!
Gelatinous cubes next would be cool!

Omg these are awesome!just went and looked at your other sets. I really want the cube set now!

That surprise encounter mimic dice is unreal!

The mimic ones are amazing! My players would notice a sharp increase in mimic encounters though. Win – win!

Love that surprise encounter d20, has the perfect vibe for DM dice

All of your dice are gorgeous. This occult set and the Wisp Woods set are my favorites of the bunch. They are all amazing though!

I’d like to see Wisp Woods but tbh these are my favorite on your website

I think you should do your quantum candy one next! Best of luck all!

These are really cool, and I would love to see your Patina set get raffled off.

I have a warforged paladin that lived at the bottom of the ocean and the metal on him was all covered in patina and rust.

I was like “ooh these would be perfect for my celestial warlock”, and then I looked at your other dice and saw the arcane versions. Now I don’t know which I like better! So do the arcane next. Beautiful dice.

Damn your dice are sick! It makes it tough to choose a fav, lol. However, I can confidently say Wispy Woods and Quantum Candy are in my top. Not to mension, the mimic d20 is hella impressive!

This set of dice is so rad but the mimic dice?!?!? I’ve never seen teeth set so coherently in acrylic! That next for sure

First off I love these dice and I want NAY NEED these dice in my life and at my table! Feels very DM themed and are amazing!

Second I think the Gelatinous cube or sanguin would a nice next raffle. I love those!

Dice are sick. I think I’m gonna take too much time out of my life trying to read stuff on them though.

“The pages whispered secrets, not of love or life, but of shadows and the things that lurk in the dark.”

These are BEAUTIFUL!! I’m a crow- and book-obsessed witch gamer, and these are ABSOLUTELY making my brain vibrate in the best way! 😻 *heavy breathing*

If you do another giveaway, your Wisp or Patina dice are absolutely GORGEOUS! I’m definitely going to be placing an order with you soon, regardless of the outcome of this giveaway. You make some wicked dice, my friend. 🖤 Slainte!

Nice nice.

Idk if i can just comment without signing cuz EU, but just wanted to say that they give me kinda death note vibes.

N(D)ice 😀

These would make a fine addition to my collection

Those are sick! Fantastic work!

Cool looking dice.

These are legit so good for a warlock character!

Nice dice

These are gorgeous

I want it!

Those are some great looking dice!


These dice are soooo cool! Perfect match for my artist character who hates his own drawings


I love how unique the design is with the words on pages inside the dice. Reminds me of something similar to Death Note vibes

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