[OC] The Dilemma

By snelse_
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As always, the truth is found in the middle path: collectively agree to only spend ninety minutes, max, out, collectively work out a scheme for how to immediately and decisively exit if things get boring, or loud, or there are tummy ache issues, and then stand there in singular, stunned silence as your partner kneecaps you after twenty minutes by loudly announcing that you forgot to apply your anal fissure cream before vaulting through a closed door, shrieking about how the smell will never come out of the linens this time.

Just stay home and never regret going out. The introvert way.

The outside world is overrated. Basically pay to win.

The ambivert dilemma.

The compromise during the weekend is go out one day and get everything done, so we can stay in all day the other day.

The grass is always greener on the other side of your door.

Staying in: I should gone out everyones having fun.
Going out: I should stayed in Im exhausted.

the eternal struggle. either way, regret is inevitable, so might as well stay comfy.

“Do we stay in and regret” said no introvert ever.

This was exactly me during exams… Iโ€™d stay home, turn down everyone inviting me out, and spend all my time thinking about what Iโ€™d be doing if I went out, only to end up not reading a single paragraph anyway…

There has never been a single time where I stayed in and regretted it. To be fair though, once going out meant only doing things I wanted to do, that was great too. I just hated going out when I had to do things someone else wanted.

I don’t think I have ever regretted staying in

The economy makes this decision easy for me.

Ainโ€™t no one got eating out money

Why not both?

Stay in, but order takeout so fancy that it feels like youโ€™re out and regret the delivery fee instead!

I always feel better after going out. Sometimes it takes some extra work, and the first 5 minutes sucks, but that feeling passes and eventually I feel better. Especially if going out is something to do with exercise like a walk or a bike ride.


The new “the grass is greener on the other side.”

Going out is more fun when you think of it in hindsight, but not when you are actually out ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Staying in and regretting not going out costs way lower than going out and regretting not staying in

Flip the coin ๐Ÿช™

When โ€˜inโ€™ is good itโ€™s good and bad is bad.

When โ€˜outโ€™ is good itโ€™s great and bad is a nightmare

Fight me

In real: She wants the D. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Vice versa: Go out and applaud our decision not to stay in.

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