[OC] Tracking our sex life in 2024

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I just love the thought of you both filling out the survey after.

A freak in the (spread)sheets.

“Babe, did you cum? I need to know for my spreadsheet”

This is a weird form of exhibitionism

What does “her initiating/him initiating” = 1.43 mean? Like the woman initiating sex 1.43 more often than the man on weekly averagr?

“One sec, gotta switch to doggy to meet KPIs for the month” XD Jokes aside, data for this seems fun

From How she finished and How she takes it, i presume she really likes anal.

Opens graphic. Looks at bar chart first. “these mother fuckers in their twenties aren’t they.” looks at intro. Confirm.

Nothing says romance like immediately opening your laptop and logging a review of your partners sexual performance on a spreadsheet

This is how people develop a serious LaTex allergy.

Don’t let r/deadbedrooms see this.

What does the 50% “else” mean under “No risk but still fun?”

Man, that’s some good fucking data.

So in mostly 5-15 minutes she managed to reach orgasm more than once on average.. she must be really sensitive, damn 

Sorry, I need volume averages in decibels and if the lights were on or off.

Not detailed enough



>looks inside

>line chart histogram

>three different ways to represent percentages

>this abomination:
comment image?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c8a693fa5ae0c4d50cfd234331831b94874dc6

*sigh* Yeah…

“How long was it” should have been a histogram imo

I’m jealous, don’t have enough data to make a graph.

This is what Johnny from “The Room” was looking for when he asked [“Anyway, how is your sex life?”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXYLbYdSdKg&ab_channel=imavoidingmyblock)

Do you never record him giving oral sex or does he simply never give oral sex?

Wait yall are getting laid?

Am I the only one who always gets suspicious about this kind of post?

How she takes it:

Like a champ 🤙

Tools: LaTeX

Source: Self collected

Imagine being tracked by KPIs by your partner after getting off work about your performance in bed 🤣

And the total number of times they had sex in one year… *drumroll*… not listed on the chart.

This is remarkably unthreatening in a good way. Not everyone is out here banging 3x a day.

14 times in a month? Is that what happiness looks like?

How long was it has me confused. Quantity?

I’m willing to bet a majority of OP’s orgasms were related to him thinking about the data in the spreadsheet while having sex

A majority of the sex is under 5 minutes and a third of it is anal and she’s finishing 1.34 times on average?

Am I reading this wrong? Or is home girl definitely faking it haha

Are we not going to talk about what I think I’m seeing as a complete lack of his giving oral? Granted there are some women who just aren’t into it, but… it’s far more rare… 😬

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