[OC]Facebook reactions to the death of Brian Thompson

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When the internet decides you’re a meme instead of a memory lol

Rolling Stone was one of the few media outlets that covered the backlash.


Props to all the people who hit him with the stern “๐Ÿ‘”

The social media version of the quote

>I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.

(Source) UnitedHealth Group Facebook post December 4th 2024 10:29 AM

(Tool) Open Office Calc

My first reaction: Who the hell is Brian Thompson??
My second reaction (after Googling): Oh dear fuck LMAO…

This is the first time I have seen an assassination bring so much joy to so many.

Handy tip for those who want to avoid leaving behind a similar legacy: don’t be the cause of suffering for countless innocent people.

Simple as that.

Terrifying CEO’s: the true meaning of Christmas.

European here. I didn’t know this Universal healthcare corporation. But after reading about them, jeez… how was this syndicate allowed to operate in healthcare? They clearly had no interest in the health of the people whose money they took. It was a pure money grab operation at the expense of the lives of common people.

Was really confused seeing this and being like “Damn, Brian Thompson is dead, that dude was a bad guy in every TV show I grew up with, why are people laughing” before realising it’s wasn’t the actor.

Not being bulletproof is a pre-existing medical condition

Amazing to me that so many people can take glee in the killing of someone who was profiting off a broken and corrupt healthcare system, but as soon as you mention โ€œSingle Payer Healthcareโ€ a lot of these same people will yell โ€œCommunist!โ€

“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

– Clarence Darrow (not Mark Twain)

Denying 32% of your claims, aka denying people healthcare, while making $6 Billion in profits will do that.

Taking justice into one’s own hands is almost always not the answer. But when some people are so evil and so powerful that they will never be otherwise held accountable for their evil actions and justice will never be served upon them, then there is only one option left.

My condolenses go out to his family who were surviving off of the abuse of the sick and needy and now are missing their cashcow.

But in the defense of the 99% if he didn’t want his memory to be 85% mockery on a Facebook post announcement of his death then he shouldn’t have made his fortune off of the abuse of the sick and needy.

I’d recommend not planting flowers upon his grave as flowers are quite sensitive to the minerals and acids within piss.

Facebook is a shithole but it’s nice to see we can all still agree on something

Ok whos brian n what he do?

I think this is the first time iโ€™ve seen over whelming reddit โ€ฆapathy isnโ€™t quite right nor is support but normally reddit is faaaar more intolerant of jokes and comments about the deceased

This dude must have pissed off a looot of people

as memes have said: it’s CEOver

I came in here ready to defend awesome character actor Brian Thompson of Star Trek and The X Files fame.

Oh the *other* Brian. Carry on.

Damn, insurance CEOs should probably learn from this reaction and make some reforms. If most people are happy youโ€™re dead or are making jokes about it, then it probably means you didnโ€™t do any good for societyโ€ฆ just made it harder on your cash cows-, I mean customers.

[Sopranos quote, Tony: cuz that sugarless motherfucker, it’s the last drink you’re ever gonna have](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi2kc0C7aTE)

How disappointed will everyone be when they find out the wife hired him..

European here with a question: Why do Americans lough of death of Brian Thomson but vote for Trump? Isn’t that contradictory?

Maybe that’s a warning to all those extra greedy elites.

Reddit cannot contain its glee.

Huh, kinda looks like a pie graph of America’s wealth distribution. Neat


Today I learned who Brian Thompson is.

Entirely coincidental is that today was a pretty good day for everyone in America besides Brian Thompson.

***I’m very comfortable in the knowledge that I won’t be getting gunned down anytime soon, because I didn’t make $20 BILLION fucking USD by denying and one hundred percent likely causing the deaths of thousands of my fellow Americans every year.***

Thoughts and deductibles, bud.

Itโ€™s pretty hard to be surprised. Some of the decisions made by corporations, especially some of the pharmaceutical ones, would seem outlandish by standards of older generations, but now weโ€™re all just supposed to take it. Not everyone is just taking it. The guy in the video seemed calm, composed, well equipped, and probably trained. I donโ€™t know pro from amateur, but I donโ€™t think a normal, everyday person could have done that so quickly and efficiently, and even gotten away with it, (so far).

Watch how fast GOP pivots on 2nd amendment rights now that C suite has been targeted.ย 

Reactions to the death of who?

Jesus; that’s some cold shit

I found the wrong Brian Thompson. The actor/extra, whose Wikipedia talks about his career as an extra. And that heโ€™s a paddle board enthusiast. Pretty impressive extra work I might add.

Deny coverage…deny life…. He had hundreds of millions of dollars. We need universal healthcare

Interesting to see a pie chart doing well on /r/dataisbeautiful


Wait, Meta’s online Bait feeder?


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