Odd-looking gesture

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Half my office are from Germany, that’ll go over really well

I would say try this outside a Synagogue but actually do NOT do that. Any rational person already knows Elon did a perfect Heil Hitler or Sieg Heil salute which was used by Nazi Germany

I mean they have to pick one. He’s either genius or mentally handicapped. No way so called genius doesn’t realize how such a move would be received by people with common sense no matter the intention. So either he’s an idiot or worse. Pick one.

Now I have a meeting invite with my manager and HR

I have all day, it wasn’t effective since most my coworkers are bigots and racists and stupid as fuck. I never thought I would actually see the rise of the fourth reich happen in the USA.

This is such a clever response. I will literally suggest this to the first apologist who dares say this to my face.

Yeah your title is the same as the NYT article

Fuck the NYT. If a newspaper in a city with a huge Jewish minority can’t call it out then fuck them

If youโ€™re confident, film yourself doing it at work and post it on LinkedIn.

Real question, what are we going to do about all these emboldened Nazis? Are we going to tolerate them or are we going to do something about it?

What’s the right way to go about this?

You know, when the arm is raised and extended like that, it leaves the middle incredibly unprotected.

Just an observation.ย 

Mike birnigglia is a crazy name

Correction, do it TWICE at work.

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Already influenced my dog๐Ÿ˜ญ

I live in Wyoming where Trump is a god so I would imagine I’d receive Nazi salutes in return.


You know damn well there’s kids/teens having fun with it at school today and if you’re their teacher how do you respond?

Or do it in Germany infront of police officiers

Better yet, find your nearest punk show..

He was giving them his heart. He said so for plausible deniability…

Or google it on your work computer

How about just have a Democrat do it?

Oh great. Go ahead, do it at work, itโ€™s been a few years since I punched a neo-nazi.







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