of a German police officer

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Dude looks like a final boss

I’d keep him away from the umbrella corporation.



I like how he moved his “Polizei” patch down to keep it roughly at normal human eye level.

I feel like he needs a bigger plate



Ein zwei Polizei

That dude could probably pick me up and throw me like 15 feet 😅


Fucking hell is that jack reacher

German tank

Gregor Clegane moved to Germany?

Three Germans in a trench coat

It’s like the rock and Kevin are doing a new movie


Someone is looking for John Connor…

I bet he’s a giant sour kraut.

Hei Hans, do ya know wher all steroids gone from lockup? Nein? Sure??

And they paired him with the 5’6 colleague lmao.

“Mom said i can play too” type lolz

This little backpack is sooo cute ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

Nice of him to put the police tag on his butt so the rest of us can read it without cranking our necks.

German Smasher

He needs a plate per peck

I can’t fathom how his legs are almost the same length as his colleagues

Edit. Like he’s a good foot taller in the upper region but butt to butt, there’s only max 3 inches

Is this bring your kid to work day?

He is the Brute Squad!!

Double Trouble


Die Einheit!

Look it’s Werner und Panzer.

Officer clegane..

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