Official Poster for A24’s ‘Friendship’ Starring Tim Robinson & Paul Rudd

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I think the main problem with my friend group is you have to pay to be in it. 

I’m assuming this movie is going to be a really long sketch from I Think You Should Leave, and I’m 100% on board for it.

First trailer drops tomorrow:

>’Friendship’ centers on Craig Waterman (Robinson), who enjoys his life. He likes New Balance shoes, Subway sandwiches, and Marvel movies. He lives in the suburbs with his wife, Tami (Kate Mara), and son, Steven. He’s happy to work at Universal Digital, a company that helps brands make their products more habit-forming. Craig sees no reason to change anything or make new friends… until weatherman Austin Carmichael (Rudd) moves into the neighborhood. Mysterious yet friendly, macho but vulnerable, Austin transforms everything for Craig, but Craig’s obsessive and childlike nature threatens to ruin the friendship, and possibly everything else in his life.

Kudos to whoever did the hair for this movie. Both look like they slick back reallllly nice.

Tim Robinson? Sign me up.

I hope they gave Tim the full two mill, even if he did a bad job

I saw this at TIFF in September and GET SO FUCKIN EXCITED!

It’s the comedy movie we’ve been dying for, fuck all that other bullshit, REAL COMEDY IS BACK!

Paul Rudd sequel to I Love You Man

Really hoping this does well for Robinson. It would be cool if we got a couple of really funny movies out of him.

Bet they have some really complicated shirts on under those jackets

Oh my god, a poster where the placement of the names actually matches the actors. 10/10

There’s no way in hell I won’t be watching this.

Part of me doesn’t even want to watch the trailer and go on blind.

But I do want to get a feel for the tone of the movie too…

Oh this is my kinda shit

Hopefully the story is that Paul Rudd desperately wants to be best friends with Tim Robinson but Tim Robinson already has a best friend played by Sam Richardson.

Unrelated but what is the style of coat that paul rudd has on? I want it

Instant watch.

Funny how Paul Rudd ended up in two A24 movies releasing this spring almost back-to-back. Excited for both this and Death of a Unicorn.

“We should be able to have a few friends at work…”

I hope they go down a zipline together.

Tim Robinson was the piece of my life I never knew I was missing

Can’t wait to see the clip of this on Conan O’Brien’s show.

Looks like a cosmic gumbo

So, “I Love You Man” but they replaced Jason Segel?

Paul Rudd is such a cutie pie, I’ll honestly watch him in anything.

This film has probably been one of most anticipated for the year.

I feel Tim Robinson can be a guy that resuscitates the studio comedy. He has a cult following. He has the ability to attract fairly big names on ITYSL. Let him run with it and see if he can land success similar to the early Sandler films.

I don’t see any word on a release date yet. The calendar is light the next couple of months and I think it would do well in March or April.

Paul Rudd is gonna love some sloppy steaks.

a24! going to be good

I finished Detroiters recently, and I wish they could bring that back. It was quirky, and I loved it.

Man, I gotta figure out a way to make money off of this!

I’ve been ready for this for forever!!

I love that after 20 years, Paul Rudd can’t figure out friendship.

Chode jeans. They’re jeans for a chode.

A size 54 waist, 10-inch legs, fucking junk.

Julie gave them to me.

“I Love You, Man” meets “Anchorman” meets “Cable Guy”? Hell yeah! And Tim Robinson too?

I wonder if Paul gives…

“Paul Rudd… wants to do a bromance… with you.”

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