Official reveal for the Fantastic Four

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Time to main invisible woman mhm

Bro if they reveal we’re getting all 4 heroes on day 1 that’d be absolutely insane. Cannot wait for season 1.

To all my future teammates, I apologize for being a terrible tank but I will be insta-locking my boy Thing

I am so excited for the FF to be playable. I don’t think I’ve played as them in a game since like… Ultimate Alliance 2. They have been sorely missed

It’s about that time
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So are we getting like…5 new characters in Season 1? Holy shit.

The Thing looks so hard
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God both Storm siblings are hot


Looks like bats in the back by the red moon, hoping for Blade, too.

Jan 6 (good ending)

Hotness! Can’t wait!

And also,

Jarvis, family of 4 incoming…

Looks like Sue will be suffering from the same lower back issues as C&D and Black Widow 😉

Hell yeah, we’re about to be eating

I’m so excited!! I really hope Human Torch’s rumors are true and he punishes characters like the snipers and Punisher.

So pretty much I heard role rise they were going to be….
Thing: vanguard

Johnny and Mr fantastic: duelist

Sue Storm: strategist

Wonder what Things kit is gonna look like. I’ve always had a soft spot for the big guy, hope they do him well.

Gona main Sue Storm now

Is it just me, or this picture looks like menu screen of the next season?

I hope they modeled the male models to have bigger ass cheeks than Sue

Digging Mr. Fantastic’s full beard and Sue’s Farah Fawcett hair

I’m afraid to become one of the insta lock duelists that are so annoying when mr incredible comes out lol 

Mr. Fantastic is so daddy

I don’t even particularly care for the Fantastic 4, but my god I wanna kiss the people in charge of this games art direction. They all look so good!!!

If any of them are Vanguards or Strategist I’m game!!!

If Ben’s ult does not have him yelling “IT’S CLOBBERING TIME!” then Netease has failed.

Now…we wait for his highness.
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Herbie as a support???

I love how badly overwatch is getting exposed. The money gremlins over at blizzard 1000% majorly cutting costs and just sitting on their laurels since they had no competition since they’ve released. Now we have Rivals and they’re putting out 4 heroes at once, something Blizz has never done.

Competition is great for the consumers. Blizz will have to put more money and effort into OW content now in order to keep up and then we’ll hopefully have two great games to play in the future

It’s crazy that we are getting 4 heroes for season 1. I’m here for it though! Overwatch could never.

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So what about ultron

If Sue is as weak as Storm compared to how powerful they both are in comics, I will be very disappointed.

The film it’s coming 😅 (it’s a good move)

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