oh boy

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‘Became’ 😅

Yeah man RATM were totally apolitical back in ’91.

Well they aren’t called “Rage in Support of the Machine” are they?

That’s what happens when you just look at the pictures instead of also reading the text. Or, on a related note, listen to the goddamn lyrics.

I mean if you’re offended by Nazis being attacked, what’s that say about you?

I miss the days when hating nazis wasnt controversial..

So those are the two choices now? Communist or nazi?

Imagine getting mad about someone saying a bad thing about Nazis. Wtf.


American Idiot spotted

Imagine thinking that only Communists hate Nazis.

If you find yourself angry that someone hates nazis, it is a pretty good indicator you secretly want to be a Nazi.

Also, how are so many RATM “fans” just discovering the band’s politics now? They don’t have a single subtle song. You can’t just hear the radio hits and not know what they are all about. They don’t have a “story of my life” or “hemorrhage in my hands” that makes you think they sound different from what they are.

Shit, they got on the Godzilla soundtrack with a song that says:

“Cinema, simulated life, ill drama
Fourth Reich culture, Americana
Chained to the dream they got you searchin’ for
The thin line between entertainment and war”

… And that was 1998.

If we’re going to play that game, I am just going to say that every Libertarian is just a Nazi that believes in legal weed and legal child marriage.

Saying this when the banner says “Nazi lives don’t matter” is diabolical

Imagine seeing the phrase “Nazi lives don’t matter” and getting offended by it.

We live in interesting times.

yeah, because he has to, as there are only 2 states that someone can have, be a nazi or a communist, nothing else.

“Nazi’s suck”

Fucking “commies.”

That is some extreme black and white thinking.

TIL: if you don’t like Nazis, you’re a communist. Someone should tell my WWII vet grandpa.

Yeah Rage was really into nazis back then. Lmao

So, hating nazis and nazi ideology makes one a communist, do I get it right?

These people is whom Nirvana’s In Bloom is about.

We’ve reached the point where people are defending Nazis. WTF.

He’s the one~

Who likes all our pretty songs~

And he likes to sing along~

And he likes to shoot his gun~

But he knows not what it means~

Knows not what it means~

I think Nirvana probably wrote this just by sheer coincidence.


If someone slagging off Nazis offends you… you might just be a Nazi.

Someone’s never listened to a single RATM lyric.

Your favorite band now plays in my kids’ elementary school cafeteria?

Because the picture of Che Guevara on his amp was just because it looked cool.

How is hating on nazis communist tho 🙏😭

Where is today’s outrage music? Just all recycled rage from the 90s

So blind and deaf to reality that they do Nazi that they’re the problem

I hate Nazis. I’m not a communist. Both things can be true. 🙄

Modern day libertarians ate a fuckin joke. They’re too stupid to realize they’re actually right wing

When they say “fuck the nazis” and you get upset. You may be a nazi.

Imagine thinking RATM is one of your favorite bands and not knowing they were always political.

Lady, you don’t have a single clue what Communism even is.

Love that. Nazi lives DONT matter. Get bent Nazis.

When did hating Nazis make you a communist?

Time to start listening to Lee Greenwood, Jason Aldean, Ted Nugent…Stryper

If the political spectrum choice is limited to Nazi or Commie and you choose Nazi you are still wrong.

The only machines Trump supporters rage against are their C-Paps.

Interesting that in this person’s mind you can either be a nazi or a commie

America looks fun these days. Worth a visit?

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