Oh he big mad

By m-e-n-a
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White Boomer demanding a discount.

eta: Gawd dam, 1000 likes AND an award! Thank you!

Harison Ford is 82 years old, he’s a great actor but why the fuck is an 82 year old playing a superhero?

I love older people still being contenders for good roles, but those Hollywood executives need to give some fresher faces a chance and let go of the old guard a bit

‘You won’t let me say what I think in Black people centered reddit subs without consequences?!’

When you a cop and your spouse voices their opinion

When you’re asked to explain what a tariff is, or better yet clean energy.

When you can’t read or write but they who don’t speak English are stealing your job two states over

Any black mom who came home and chicken not thawed

Any black mom when she hear “I know we can afford it, it’s just McDonald’s”

When she comes in your room and found your black pants after telling you “you ain’t looked for it” ~15 min after church already started

When you bring home a 95 because “you spent the other 5 points outside with your little friends” ~2 weekends ago

Any European soccer fan


When you see people kneeling instead standing for the flag

When people keep saying indigenous day instead of Columbus day

Sees happy Juneteenth at Target

Sees POC at whole foods and gets mad when they aren’t workers

Wears a red hat and gets mad when he gets laughed at

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Angry cracker.

Add a baseball caps and some wrap arounds and have him film himself in his Ram

He’s at a “Newsflash, buckeroo”. You don’t want to see his “Listen here, PAL”

What I imagine every yt person complaining about Beyonces performance looked like last night

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Basically 12 noon at any Irish pub on St. Patrick’s Day


Any older person when I tell them that their appointment is not at the main hospital but over at Fontaine Research Park which is a 10 minute drive AFTER they’ve already paid for valet parking.

Damn the longevity of this dude!!

I feel like I scuffed this guys 30’ yacht.

POV: you just saw a person of color simply existing

What does ctfu mean?

Looks like he’s screaming, “I’m tired of hearing about diversity!”

Aw, I wanted to see a Sam Elliot Red Hulk

Knowing white people be cookin while reading this makes it that much better

Wait, so that’s not a still of Harrison Ford when Bruno was trying to interview him?

Starts destroying CVS when he has to wait a half hour for his meds. LOL!

The face when Walmart doesn’t honor an expired coupon.

I feel like they ruined the film by revealing this in the trailers. Let me go in fresh and enjoy the fucking movie.

I’m just surprised I haven’t seen someone put Trumps head on this yet haha but probably will come soon.

Demanding a refund on SPF 10. I mean 10? It sounds like a lot, right?



That’s how Harrison ford always looks when someone asks him questions about Star Wars


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