Oh, Matt. You scamp!

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Go look at his twitter rant trying to defend himself lol

“This guy paid to have sex with a 17 year old girl!”

“I never paid her!!” Lmao


Oh, that Matt; always looking for pussy.


I HATE his stupid face so much. I feel rage

This is absolutely disgusting! 

“This” according to any normal person – a middle aged party boy hanging out with teenage girls
“This” according to republicans – people talking so viciously about this nice man’s personal life.

Is… is this real?

Like it tracks, but it tracks too well.

Reality has me doubting reality

Not one upper lip to be found.

Any you guys ever heard of Molly?

Matt: You ever been in a cockpit before?

Teen girl: No sir, I’ve never been in a airplane before!

Matt: You ever seen a grown man naked?

You girls like drugs??

Oof, what a creep. Gaetz always gave me weird vibes, but the shit that’s coming out about him is somehow worse than I could’ve imagined.

There is an above zero chance he was hoping to pay them for sex and it’s disgusting

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Matt has some serious giggty vibes

He might have the worst face on the planet

He signed all of their yearbooks with his phone number.

That’s foul

6 of 7 people in this pic are smiling. 🤨🤔

Who was the PR professional who reviewed this photo and said, “yeah, post that”.

Even if there weren’t numerous accusations against him, this would be a weird fucking picture. Just an adult man with a bunch of teen girls.

It’s depressingly pathetic that this picture is the most I’ve ever seen him look human than ever before.

Ewww.  I’m the same age as him, those freshmen were too young when I was a junior.  

Matt Gaetz taking a selfie with his buffet choices. Truly a pinnacle of society /s

Did he get plastic surgery to look MORE evil?

So gross

And this is who conservatives wanted as attorney general. lmao

He was looking for a prom date

He’s so repulsive.

Reminds me of the scene in ‘The Girl Next Door’ where Kelly is being creepy with the HS girls.

And this is what he looked like BEFORE all the horrible plastic surgery lol. Lipstick on a pig

You guys are ridiculous! Those girls are clearly too old for him!

Playing the game “who got the roofie”?

If that girl lookin’ *suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper* uncomfortable turning her body away from him with the most awkward forced smile in the world doesn’t say anything……………….

His smile is frustrating

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