Oh no…

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I’m sure they just want to see the temples

New mommy about to be imported

Congrats on the new sibling.

Oh yes, more publicity for my country

More Farang money for our economy

Going Bang-ing some Kok

An old man with 5 close buddies… respect!

I would use protection when he’s back if I were you.

Good for him

Hangover 4?

I guess you get a new mom

Soon, somewhere in Thailand, some ladyboys are going to be very happy

Getting a ripstart I’m sure

Your dad is gonna be your new mom

Tell him to suit up or he’ll leave Bangkok with burning kok

Good for him and his buddies. What the fuck is this post?

So many of y’all live in a tiny bubble. Get a passport and go explore. Thailand is a fucking awesome place.

Taking bets now!

Noncery – Ladyboys – FightCamp

Y u sad

Hangover part 4 loading

Ask to go with them

Don’t worry, your dad only needs to know 4 words for the whole trip.

Fitting Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

>6: Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.

>13: Anything worth doing is worth doing for money

>40: She can touch your lobes, but never your latinum.

>94: Females and finances don’t mix.

>139: Wives serve, brothers inherit.

>223: Beware the man who doesn’t make time for oo-mox.

>229: Latinum lasts longer than lust.

Like, while still being married to your mom, or while being a single parent? Some context wouldn’t have hurt

Don’t fret OP they are going to train mauy-thai and come back with a skillset so dangerous they could fuck up half of the ufc

Or they are gonna gang bang some lady boys both outcomes are pretty insane

I hope he has the time of his life.

If you are 18 ask to go too

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