oh no people don’t wanna support the nazi? Wow that’s so weird I guess reddit is fucked🙄

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I am so tired of seeing Asmonrat everywhere

Yes, reddit is fucked because they don’t want to increase traffic to a site which is owned by a Nazi.

Fucking dumbfucks

Reminder that these two rat fucks are in eachother’s DM’s

Someone’s sucking hard to get that verified badge back

wow, I wonder where else you can go to access content from twitter.. hm..?

I have a really important question.

Why is Elon such a little cringe baby?

For some reason youtube still thiks I want to watch that rat.

Oh ok so he’s a legit Nazi

“Fucked up” = Not admitting links to a website owned by a nazi.

This guy’s worldview sure is limited.

Wasn’t that unwashed rag just against Musk earlier

Asmonpyrite nazi sympathiser confirmed?
Remember how a week ago elon and him were beefing, now he’s trying to defend this? Christ I might have a head empty kink but these clowns really live like that 24/7

Classic Assmongoloid moment.

Let’s be honest for a second Asmodshit is also a nazi….he literally Said that a whole group of people are inferior and they deserve to die.

Fuck him and fuck anyone who supports him.

“reddit is censoring my free speech and right to post nazi propaganda!”

Nazi support is at an all time low. The West has fallen 😣

Oh the rat-man and the nazi billionaire are no longer fighting ?

Assmond literally said that The Holocaust MIGHT have happened at 99%.

That’s the person we are dealing with folks.

Twitter is still a big source of news even if you hate dumbass Elon musk. Banning links will hurt the quality of some subs more than others. Sports subs have a higher percentage of posts being news from Twitter.

He rides the wave of whatever hot take without adding anything meaningful to the discourse and it clearly works because here he is again.

I mean it’s one Nazi supporting another, basically.

Asmonshit is a Nazi

Not surprising to anyone

Elon’s nazi salute was a distraction from something equally sinister.
Trump revoked Equal employment act and legalized discrimination in workplace

Can we stop giving this clown attention? Sick of seeing him on Reddit and TikTok 😒

silence, rat man

Does that mean the chuds and Nazis will leave finally then?

The only fucked up here is you, ASSmongold

I hate that greasy, unwashed fuck. I don’t understand why he feels the need to weigh in on anything political. Stick to your shitty MMO’s, man.

The argument i always here for Xitter is “but it’s where i get my news from”. Yeah maybe you shouldn’t be getting your news from a social media platform owned by any of these clowns.

I wish people stopped calling him a rat. Rats have spines. He is learning to be spineless coward from the best roaches in his house.


“Oh no so sad blah blah blah blah whatever I need to say to have you leave sooner”

To think that there are people who 100% whole heartedly believe and trust him is insane

Basement dwelling gamer that no one should listen to defends the nazi who pretends to be good at games 

Who gives a toss what this hired goon thinks.

Isn’t that the guy who lives in filth and drinks piss? I thought he and Musk were having a gamer fight 

Even Assmold ist taking off the mask fully now, eh?

I don’t wanna watch any assmanmold shit, what does he say in the video

Of course is fucked; its owner is a literal nazi.

I will say….this whole “cancel Shitter links” has provided me a great opportunity to clear up my subreddit list.

The amount of spineless mods has helped me drop numerous Nazi supporter subreddits (most of my subreddits have been cool…a few surprised me…mostly cowardly mods fault).

(Still holding out hope the Lego subreddit wises up…but the mods were some bitches in that one)

And him and his legions of fucking posers and fake gamers will come back here everyday.

Like boomers to Facebook and Nazis to twitter. They all come back here.

This the guy that wants to put a chip in your head.

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