Oh what happened? Now everyone wants to play support?

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Im a support main, and in 2 of the 3 games I’ve played, I was actually forced to play a different role bc people were instalocking supports. I was so confused

This is the perfect time to play Iron Man, nobody can stop me if I cannot stop me.

As someone who begrudgingly filled for all of last season, I’m taking joy in instalock dps players instalocking invisible woman and then saying ‘ONLY ONE SUPPORT??’ yes, just one, have fun!

So i don’t need to solo Strategist anymore? Lol

I’ve noticed 3 people hovering over support immediately in most games I’ve played, even without invisible woman.

I’m not complaining, it’s a nice change of pace.

Is Storm being instalocked often? Want to know if I’m gonna be able to play her tonight to try out the buffs.

I have been playing Loki to avoid the insta lock, that way I can be her as well.

Invisible Woman is more popular than most of the support cast would be my guess or the simpler answer is that people want to play the new shiny thing.

I am staying faithful to C&D and Mantis 😤

Time to finally get to play dps after a month of straight support maining with usually just me 🙂

I see more Invisible Woman instalocks than there are Mr Fantastic instalocks. I guess DPS players realised Mr Fantastic is just a Vanguard with a Duelist title lol.

Fine by me tho, been having a blast playing Reed

Hey, I’m now paying duelist despite being a tank main. Ofc I’m paying Reed so not a lot has changed really for me

She’s really fun to play with

They should have dropped all 4 of them at once to help spread this hype out.

I’m a support main. This is a happy thing to see, but they gotta get her before me. 🤣 Jokes aside, she’s really fun to play. Her healing feels strong but not oppressive, and she has both anti-dive and anti-snipe support.

New character drops

“Y everyone wanna play new character”

Guaranteed they won’t be playing Invisible Woman with healing in mind. It’s just like when DPS players pick Moira in OW and then just dive the back line looking for kills and ignoring the team entirely.

Just wait a week and you’ll start seeing the “Invisible Woman players know they can heal, right?” posts in here

It probably has nothing to do with her Malice skin right?

Enjoy it while it lasts….it’s fantastic to get to play other characters. I did get to play as her once and she’s a blast though so I will get my fill when the instalock strategist (what a world we live in) stops.

Happens with every games new content, right now reed and sue are the new toys and people wanna play with them,

The trick to solving the support problem was gonner bait

that wont last , in 2 days at best ppl are going back to their duelists mains , and we will be again on square one.

wait until the other 2 FF arrive its gonna be nice time for supports mains again

So sick of these insta-locking supports, I’m stuck having to play DPS 😡

There’s literally an event which requires you to play either Invisible Woman or Luffy for the event achievement “Everybody Hates Reed” alongside the new character achievements.

Lord Jeff just in time to switch to invisible woman as a new main

Boy shut up. You know everyone wants to play a new character 🤣🤣

You know I’m somewhat of a strategist myself

It’s weird, my biggest hero request would be Gambit, but I’m actually looking forward to whatever they release AFTER Gambit…

Because that’s when I’ll actually get to play him…

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