Ok, good talk

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Homegirl just found out about the quantity feature, let her have her fun.

She’s having fun 🙂

…so they get more expensive if you buy more?

This was awkward flirting and OP missed out

If it’s flirting a good response might be:how many would I need to buy for the number to look like your phone number?

yall are fucking weird

“wooman i no understand. sex?”

Sometimes I accidentally type £3000 instead of £30 at work and the till is like “are you sure” and I’m like “no”

$220 * 99 is $21,780 not 23k

that was cute lmao she was trying!

I am way too autistic to ever recognize that as flirting.



“twirls her hair in her finger and bites her lip”

“How cool would it be if we threw 99 car batteries in the ocean? Its perfectly legal… You would look so strong doing it too. I bet I could watch it all day.”

The autoparts store near my home only hires what apperars to be Alt goth scene girls for front of house and they flirt and upsell constantly.

My battery died, so I went to Autozone to get a new one. It was going to cost about $250. The girl entered my info into the computer and said “you’ve got 3 months left on the warranty, so we’re going to replace the old one for free.” 15 minutes later I left with a brand new battery they swapped out for me.

I’m not even neurodivergent (unless ADHD counts) and I also 100% did not realize that this was flirting.

99 times 220 should be less than 23000. Since normaly you would expect to pay less per unit if you buy large quantity, she really just pointed out an interesting oddity and the dude probably stared at her with no reaction. Not sure who is the autistic one in this story.

She was taking a poke at Electric cars. What if you needed to replace 99 batteries instead of 1 of your normal car…

She was flirting with you.

That girl is totally low-key flirting with him

99 batteries, floating on the auto zone shelves, panic builds, it’s red alert, there’s car parts here from somewhere else

It is what it is, is what it is

Ok, good post

Based and Osaka pilled

$232 a battery why would it go up

She’s got 99 problems but a car battery ain’t one

Save $1000 and buy 100 instead.

Pro tip – just go to Walmart to get your car batteries because they are much less expensive.

There’s arguably three companies supplying the US with mass produced batteries. Clarios (the largest), Stryten (second largest), and East Penn.

You will get the best deal at Walmart and the you are selecting the correct group size for for vehicle and correct battery type then there will literally be no difference (assuming the Cold Cranking Amps and Reserve Capacity are identical).

When manufacturers make a battery for Walmart and for Auto Zone there is no difference except for the decorative label on the case.

That’s a lot of dielectric grease to upsell.

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