Okay I’m sorry. I really am.

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My childhood self: ‘I can’t wait to grow up!’ Me now: ‘Please send me back to the sandbox.

When you actually became an adult you don’t want to be one anymore

Life defeats most people in a way we never thought possible

It’s the same soup just reheated every day.

It’s not even the responsibilities, it’s all the things I missed out on forever.

Now imagine you have a kid (unless you do in which case you don’t need to) cause my dad had me at 18 which for most people including him was way to early

Life sucks the joy out of you

A 28 year old made this.

not even a dad yet and he’s already grumpy lmao

‘i wanna be young forever”

Every day is a new chance to change this.
We need more people that make an effort to be kind and nice to each other.

Adulthood hits differently when you finally understand why Dad sighed so much.😅

“The accumilation of those little despairs, is what makes someone an adult” -Nanami

I’m not even 28 and I feel that, or I just have anger issues idk.

Im 20 and Im already like that…

it hits different but it’s too late

I must be on that new shit because I never wanted to be an adult

me before drinking my coffee.

In childhood, we have this default state of bliss. The older we get, the more we have to try to get to that state, and the sad part is it’s never enough

As an adult, you not only understand your parents, but sometimes you even think they were too patient with you lol.

starting to understand…

I feel this in my soul now, sorry Dad.

I guess I’m a rare case, it’s vice versa for me

Life, son

I’m so mad at myself that I wanted to be an adult

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