Okay, the CPU died a month ago. Unstable af, blue screen after blue screen. Rest in peace my sweet baby

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Gotta commend you for being up front about it.


OP I’m glad that you decided to update and talk about it. But this is exactly why “works fine for me” replies are misleading at best.

This what happens when you do CPU anniversaries on Reddit.

Hey! Congrats on saying you were wrong.

That’s unironically a very important skill to have, especially on the internet.

So… Good job! 👍

me seeing this after delid
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We should have a pinned PCMR thread; dead 13/14th gen counter.

I’d be interested to see how significant the failure rate is.

u/joe1134206, you there bro?


My 5900x signing another 5 year contract after successfully completing its first 5 years

Meanwhile my GPU is soo old that it doesn’t get game ready driver anymore lol

But why did you downvote him lmao

Well the temps will be even chiller now!

Sorry for your loss

My 7 5800x that I got when it was new is still kicking it in my second pc. Man I love AMD CPUs but I just hope they don’t pull an 14nm++++ on us.

Good lord, these newest gen stuff sure die quick. Im still on my 8700k / 1080ti combo. Patiently saving up for upgrades but how the fuck are these CPUs and GPUs not lasting 5 years AT LEAST? Crazy thing too was im never a guy who buys protection plans i think they are a scam but these days it sounds like a must have 🤷‍♂️

Well, there really isn’t much you could have done back then. You did the only thing rational. Keep using it and pray. Change only when it dies.

Why the heck would people downvote a reminder?

Some reddit users are just strange… Downvoting things just because they don’t like it.

R.I.P. Kudos for being honest and upfront about it!
This post made me smile. Thank you!

My i7 6700k is still chugging along

Why did you downvote him if he was right? Lol

So I’m wondering if, at this point, it’s guaranteed that all high end 13th and 14th gen chips will just… die. Because a LOT of them are dying, even with the new bios updates.

My first 13700k also died after a bit over a year

My 13700k coming up on 3 years looking at this 😳

…. I’m still running a third gen i3 lmao. Thing is unable to die.
Edit: it’s at least 10 years old now

What is the life expetency fo a cpu ? My 5 3600 is 5 years old

How did it die so quick? Were you over clocking or something? Did you even have it a year? Can you RMA it

I just upgraded my 8700k to 9800x3d yesterday… is it my turn to roll the dice?

It works perfectly and the temps are so low it’s chilly.

Huge, absolutely huge respect for you for posting this! Thank you for teaching us an important lesson and being a great model.

in 27 years of having my own computer gone through ( only upgrading singular parts from time to time ) which amounts to 1 full setup upgrade every ~5 years ….

i’ve only had

* 1 dead CPU
* 1 dead GPU
* 1 dead GPU Fan
* 1 dead PSU
* 2 dead MoBos


* ~80 dead keyboards
* ~5 dead mice
* 100+ dead headsets

Fuck Intel. As funny as this is, customers shouldn’t have to experience this when dealing with supposedly high end products.

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