Old boss of mine wrote LOSER on my final paycheck.

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Post it on the Google review of the spot.

Im being honest that would drive me insane and I would scheme some way to get back at that douche bag

I’m so confused by this photo. Did you take a photo of a photo? Is that cracks of a computer/phone? Why not send the original?


My ex bf used to write whore money on his adulterous ex wife’s alimony checks. 

Since it’s not the pay-order or the amount, I think you can change the memo line to whatever suits you best.

“disc*LOSER*: Taste of Boston is a shithole establishment.”

After cashing it, ask for it back from the bank and frame it.

Sounds like self-projection from the owner. Laugh it off and be glad you’re on to better things.

If he could have paid you in oily pennies dumped on your lawn, he would have.

He’s just a huge Beck fan.

I’m from Boston and I even I wouldn’t go to a restaurant called “Tase of Boston”

Was this in the last millenium? In Europe a whole generation has grown up after the last of these stone-age pieces of paper was seen by human eye

Ok. I’m curious. Is this a photo of a photo from a cracked phone?

Taste of Boston? Like weak tea and salt cod? No wonder they went out of business.

“Labor” ?? (possibly misspelled with an ‘e’)…

I’d frame it. Almost be worth it not to cash it for awhile, see if you can get him to overdraw his account, cash it when you know money is tight for him

If you had a bad boss this is infuriating, if you had a good boss and a solid relationship this is hilarious

Sue Sue Sue. Proof of a hostile work environment

That’s pronounced “losah”.

Are you guys close?

Wow that is so nasty unprofessional and uncalled for 

That says “laser”. You’re ok. 🙂

It’s crazy and kinda funny that people like this really exist!

This is from 2008 or earlier….

How tf did u screenshot the crack in your screen?

Why did you take a picture of some other device’s screen?

Make a color copy and frame it.

I’d write above it “(boss’s name) is a”

A paper paycheck – like 1955
comment image?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500b7e48cddc98a0a5703cf0dbb21d11e2a46d59

Wachovia? What year is this 2007?

This is confusing. How come we see your cracked ass glass? Did you open the camera app on your cracked phone, then take a picture of the image using another phone? This is wild. Also, where’s a Wachovia at? Wells Fargo snatched them up in 2008 then converted them all to WF branches. Something isn’t right. Loser might not be too far off.

Lmao get clowned via check memo. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

What exactly is a taste of Boston? He sounds like a dick.

Lol okay but it’s a little bit funny

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