Oligarchy or Justice?

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Wasnโ€™t he looking at criminal prosecution just a month ago?

can someone beat his ugly ass up please?

Elon Musk is an illegal immigrant. He broke the law. Is he being arrested?ย 


Isnโ€™t there a conflict of interest with Elon injecting himself in Europe governments as well as working with Putin in the Ukraine War. All while having an office at the White House complex.

Very close to Russian indoctreny.

Does โ€œthose who break the lawโ€ include orange felons?

Whereโ€™s Luigi?

Does oligarch mean cunt? Seems like it.

Musk has broken Federal drug laws smoking weed. So when is he getting arrested?

Ummm pedophile Trump has broken several laws and is a felon/rapist/traitor so I assume Musk means him ?

That includes mayors, just not Presidents or billionaires.

Tesla employs slave labor, just saying.

Trump is a convicted felon.

Even Russian oligarchs don’t act like that publicly.

Didnโ€™t his First Lady break the law 34 times

Elon Musk – co president.

Go arrest the US President, Elmo

Rich coming from a man suckling the tit of a convicted felon.

Well if they BREAK THE LAW, they should be.

Well if you commit 34 felonies it’s no jailtime apparently. So is it only after 35 felonies? Just asking?

But not Presidents….

Get off that ketamine mr.musk (;

Anyone else notice how similar the US is to Russiaโ€™s oligarchical government.

Safe to say, Russia ended up winning and destroyed American democracy. And they did it on the cheap. Just stoked division in the US and paid fascists to disseminate their disinformation.

Pretty wild take from Elon. Feels like flexing power more than anything else. Democracy and law enforcement aren’t interchangeable, dude.

โ€ฆbut it doesnโ€™t include Presidents according to the Supreme Court.

Deport this clown and nationalize his companies.


If it was justice trump would at least do community service or pledge to helping SA victims despite his convenient presidential immunity. And Elon would pay his fair share of taxes.

lol, I want to see him try to arrest someone and get the shit beat out of him in the process, I will fucking pay to see that.

โ€œThose who break the law will be arrested and that includes mayors.โ€*

(* – โ€œdoes NOT include the president, even though heโ€™s a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist.โ€)

Somebody is going to read this quote back to him when he is on the stand.

Cool start with your new boss.


Donald Trump

Elon Musk

Matt Gaetz

There’s the start of a list of folks who have broken the law haven’t faced their punishment, in part or whole. You can start by arresting these folks, Elon.

Oohhh…that would be so sweet if we could all watch elon musk be put behind bars forever!!!

Thanks Elon the migrant for threatening US born citizens ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Elmo will be the first ever global oligarch. He has his fingers in Europe, the US and others.

at least his ego is so fragile that he can’t help but expel every thought that comes up, hoping for admiration

And former and current presidents!

Those mayors will then put their mugshots on merch and sell it to fund their re-elections.

Oh itโ€™s been an oligarchy. The mask is just falling off.

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