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Did they say Standalone?

Lands Between ~~Hyrule~~ Warriors: Age of ~~Calamity~~ Elden Ring

i’m going to shit my pants

I can only get so erect

It’s probably gonna be an experiment with a new gameplay style, just like Sekiro

Im so confused like about everything

I just Elden Creamed my pants a lil bit

Apparently the website says it’s a hero based survival game with pre-built characters? Little bit skeptical on the concept of no custom characters and builds after playing so much Elden Ring but I’m with it

Never in a million years would I have predicted this, I’m so fucking excited

There’s no way! Fromsoft strikes again. I’m so excited

Y’all see that one boss? The nameless king?! SO ITS THE SAME UNIVERSE??

That was not on my bingo card

Not to be pessimistic but does anyone else think this kinda feels thrown together probably due to pressure for more content by Bandai?

I’m gonna be real, the whole trailer felt kind of off to me. Kinda gimmicky? I’m normally beyond hyped for Souls announcements but I’m skeptical about this one for some reason, I hope I’m wrong and it turns out to be just as good as the past games. That being said, nameless king has me excited.

it seems to be elden ring but monster hunter

this isn’t what i had in mind when i asked for a monster hunter game that has rebindable controls but damn i’ll take it this sounds so much better

This feels so weird. I don’t know how to feel because in the trailer it looked so weird like it looked like they were big ass dragons in limbgrave, and this kind of just looks like what they did with breath of the wild becoming tears of the Kingdom

So it seems like a more coop focused faster paced game set in the Elden Ring universe, possibly a prequel. Hopefully this means From has figured out how to do actual online coop, and I can actually play seamlessly with my friends who don’t wanna put up with the usual hassle. I love the classic souls formula but it’s a hard thing for new people to get into. I’m excited to play this and I’m gonna laugh if Elden Ring wins three game awards lol

Sooo…this just didn’t seem up to the normal Fromsoft quality with announce trailers, or is it just me? Like it seemed so off I was sure it was going to be an Elden Ring mobile game. Definitely isn’t Elden Ring 2, so it’s a multiplayer spinoff not directed by Miyazaki im assuming? I dunno man, I’m not as hyped as I would be for a second big dlc or sequel. This just seems lower quality.

Okay this feels like milking. I wanna be happy.but.

I am very confused by that trailer


I just had a stroke boner


There’s a reason Miyazaki’s name isn’t on this

I have bad feeling for this. Multiplayer never fromsoft strong point. Even in elden ring multiplayer is not that good. 

I would just wait and see. Only buy If the game actually turns out good. 

Gonna be honest the trailer was a little messy, not really sure what I watched. Looks like some co-op focused spinoff and I gave me monster hunter vibes

co-op game

i really wish it’s not only co-op don’t get me wrong I love for it to be a co-opgame but I don’t have any friends to play it with

As hyped as I am, my only one who’s a bit unnerved about the survival Co-op nature of this? I’m just so glad that we’re getting another game but I wasn’t expecting a switch in genre

The day has come where I feel the need to be wary of an undercooked cash grab by Fromsoft.

I can’t even really explain but this just felt less genuine and inspired than most Fromsoft content. I would bet Miyazaki wasn’t as involved in this as he was for the game and DLC

I’d lower those expectations, the description on the official site makes it sound like the elden ring version of the chalice dungeons

Why does this feel like FromSofts/bandai namcos way to sneak into MTX live service games?

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